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You searched for galvancillo leaked video instagram - Glassdoor for Employers, 09 Oct 2020 15:26:34 +0000en-GBhourly1, Don't Tell! 6 Brilliant Recruiting Videos<![CDATA[Abby Sinnott]]>Tue, 13 Mar 2018 00:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[Employer Branding]]><![CDATA[Industry Trends]]><![CDATA[Talent Acquisition]]><![CDATA[informed candidate]]><![CDATA[Recruiting]]><![CDATA[recruiting videos]]><![CDATA[Recruitment Marketing]]><![CDATA[

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Did you know that job postings with video icons are viewed 12% more than postings without videos, and that companies receive a 34% greater application rate when they add a video to their job listings? That's because showing, rather than telling job seekers about your company, is much more effective and engaging. A well-crafted recruiting […]

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Did you know that job postings with video icons are viewed 12% more than postings without videos, and that companies receive a 34% greater application rate when they add a video to their job listings?

That's because showing, rather than telling job seekers about your company, is much more effective and engaging. A well-crafted recruiting video injects personality and emotion into your brand - it can distinguish your organisation from the vast sea of sameness and make people want to be a part of your story.

And by offering an authentic picture of your organisation's culture, people, offices, big wins and core values and mission, videos can also help weed out applicants who may not be the right fit.

So while recruiting videos are potentially the perfect medium for attracting top talent, it's essential that you have a clearly defined employer value proposition before getting started. Here are six of the best company videos that not only effectively convey their brand, but also inspire and engage viewers. Leverage them to jumpstart your video recruitment strategy.


Some of the best recruiting videos give viewers an authentic, yet entertaining look at what life is really like at their company. In this video, Yell's Head of Talent Acquisition zooms around the office, asking a diverse group of employees - ranging from new hires to long-term senior staff - what they like most about working at Yell. Many of them answer 'the people', which aligns strongly with one of Yell's core values: 'Behind everything great we do are our people and a culture empowering them to be at their best'. What's more, the simple, 'home video' format creates a casual, intimate feel, proving that you don't have to spend loads on fancy cinematography to create an effective recruitment video.

[Related:Why Employer Brand Videos Work]


It's critical to convey your company's core values and mission - having it come from your employees is all the more powerful. Take, for example, HomeServe's video that follows engineers on the job and captures their genuine commitment to the company's mission to 'Provide our Customers with effortless service in order to free them from the worry and inconvenience of home emergencies and repair'. This 'mission-driven' video is a powerful hiring tool by appealing to candidates who align with the company's values and possess the people skills needed to excel at such an organisation. Mission is also a strong selling point for the next generation of workers, with 70% of Millennials expecting their employers to focus on societal or mission-driven problems.

Don't be afraid to unleash your creativity when crafting your recruitment video, especially if you're in a creative industry, such as H&M -one of the world's largest fashion companies. This evocative and beautifully-shot video explores the question: what's the common thread that connects their 161,000 employees around the world? A red thread is carried by employees throughout the video to symbolise their shared ethos of team spirit, diversity, respect and inclusivity, which they are encouraged not only to work by, but to live by as well.


Before applying for your job openings, candidates want to know if they'll fit your culture, on a team or in a department. They want to see how real employees interact, dress and talk - do they seem like smart, friendly people who would welcome new hires and ideas in the boardroom as well as in the lunchroom? SAP's video presents a diverse group of employees working on ground-breaking projects to highlight the software leader's commitment to innovation where 'anything is possible'. Candidates are also keen to hear from company leaders, who are often the main drivers of company culture. The video includes powerful footage of SAP's CEO, Bill McDermott, who says, "I want to invite you to join me, and come through with me on to the next side of innovation and success."

Learn More:

What Is Employer Branding

The post Show, Don't Tell! 6 Brilliant Recruiting Videos appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

Why Employer Brand Videos Work<![CDATA[Glassdoor Team]]>Wed, 20 Jul 2016 00:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[Employer Branding]]><![CDATA[Featured]]><![CDATA[Employer Brand]]><![CDATA[employer brand videos]]><![CDATA[Employment Brand]]><![CDATA[Recruitment Marketing]]><![CDATA[Videos]]><![CDATA[

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The explosion in online video thanks to high-speed data connections on smartphones has radically shifted consumption away from text- and image-based content. As of May 2016, YouTube reported more than 1 billion users; growth in viewing time is up at least 50 percent each of the past three years. For 2015, Cisco reported 55 percent […]

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The explosion in online video thanks to high-speed data connections on smartphones has radically shifted consumption away from text- and image-based content.

As of May 2016, YouTube reported more than 1 billion users; growth in viewing time is up at least 50 percent each of the past three years. For 2015, Cisco reported 55 percent of all mobile data traffic came from video, and predicts video will account for 75 percent of mobile data traffic in 2020.

In short, video rules.

For HR, recruiters, hiring managers and marketers, the application of recruitment marketing principles to employer branding makes video the perfect medium for communicating your company story, culture and brand to candidates.

Here’s what video can do for you:

Show your people

Before they apply for your job openings, job candidates want to know if they’ll fit your culture, on a team or in a department.

Not only is your workforce your company’s most precious asset but it’s also an incredible recruiting resource. Allowing candidates to see how your employees dress, how they talk and the positive energy they exude when talking about their jobs can give job seekers the clues they need to decide if there’s a good match.

Do managers look like considerate people? Do staff look welcoming enough to share a table with at lunch?

Do managers look like considerate people? Do staff look welcoming enough to share a table with at lunchCandidates have dozens of questions about their potential colleagues as they consider a job and company. Your videos can provide the answers. In turn, armed with an inside look at your culture and workforce, job candidates will ask better, more insightful questions during interviews, rather than going in blind.

Watch this Open Table video to see how they present their people, team by team.

Show your workspace

Watching a camera pan around your work environment, conference rooms and break areas, candidates glean a real sense of what to expect when they come in for interviews.

Whether your office has basic or top-notch décor, candidates appreciate a realistic view.

The decision to spend eight to 10 hours a day within your walls is a big one, so the more you can show, the better. This video from Zillow shows a new employee receiving a day-one office tour.

Showcase your culture

How do people interact in meetings and at events? Will I be able to grow my career with this company?

How do people interact in meetings and at events? Will I be able to grow my career with this compaEnlightening video testimonials from employees can give candidates not only a glimpse into company culture but also help set expectations about career growth.

If your culture is infused with a unique sense of fun or humor, video can amplify it in special or unexpected ways, e.g., this example from Twitter or this April Fool’s Day video by OpenTable.

In contrast, an employer branding video can also communicate a seriousness of purpose, such as this production by Apple. Here Shopify ties together three elements—people, environment, and culture—in one neat package.

Inspire people to your mission

Your mission to “change the world” might be the deciding factor for a candidate considering a similar position at another company. Deloitte research shows that “mission-driven” companies have 30 percent higher levels of innovation and 40 percent higher levels of retention, and they tend to best or second in their market segment.

Mission is also important for the next generation of workers. The same study showed that more than 70 percent of Millennials expect their employers to focus on societal or mission-driven problems.

In this employer brand video, Facebook employees explain how the company mission inspires them on a daily basis. Meanwhile, Imagine Learning demonstrates its mission in action by including this video from the “Student Stories” section of its website on its Glassdoor employer profile.

A final word

Creating a compelling employer brand video that showcases your people, offices and culture, and that inspires candidates to your mission will be easier if you’ve done your homework and have a clearly defined employer value proposition. To learn more about strengthening your employer brand, download our eBook Employer Branding for Dummies®, Glassdoor Special Edition.

The post Why Employer Brand Videos Work appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

What is a Realistic Job Preview? (And How to Make it Work for Your Organisation)<![CDATA[Jon-Mark Sabel, HireVue]]>Mon, 16 Apr 2018 00:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[Talent Acquisition]]><![CDATA[Hiring]]><![CDATA[Job Preview]]><![CDATA[Recruiting]]><![CDATA[

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A great potential candidate just landed on your career site. What determines if they stay and apply, or bounce back to what they were doing before? One of the best ways to sell a role, particularly to potential applicants who are already employed, is the realistic job preview. What is a Realistic Job Preview? A […]

The post What is a Realistic Job Preview? (And How to Make it Work for Your Organisation) appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.


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A great potential candidate just landed on your career site. What determines if they stay and apply, or bounce back to what they were doing before?

One of the best ways to sell a role, particularly to potential applicants who are already employed, is the realistic job preview.

What is a Realistic Job Preview?

A realistic job preview is any video or simulation designed to teach prospective applicants about a job’s duties, expectations and daily activities. They can take several forms, depending on the goals of the recruiting organisation.

These are the four main types of online realistic job previews, and how to make them work in your organisation.

1) The Employee Testimonial Video

Recorded employee testimonials are one of the most valuable pieces of content for prospective applicants. Created correctly, they can also form the basis for a realistic job preview.

The value of these previews comes from their authenticity and specificity. While traditional scripted testimonials are a useful tool for promoting your organisation as whole, they don’t really give much insight into specific job functions.

Most employee testimonials focus exclusively on what it’s like to work for your organisation. To take them a step further, don’t tell your employees to describe your company — let them explore what they do in their current role.

How to make it work:

The goal here is to give candidates an accurate understanding of what the role is and what will be expected of them. To make it work, let your most passionate employees share what their day-to-day looks like.

Hold an ‘open audition’ for employee advocates interested in sharing their experiences. You can hold these in-office, or provide instructions so they can film themselves.

Push them to focus on specifics. Set the expectation that this isn’t about hyping up the company — it’s about helping candidates find the role that fits them best.

Use specific prompts geared toward giving insight into the job’s responsibilities. Prompts like “My typical day as a [job title] is…” and “The professional skills I’ve gained are…” are better than the more general “What do you like best about working here?”

Once you have these job-specific testimonials, the sky’s the limit as far as where you use them. The great thing about video is its shareability. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Host on a career site. This is the logical first step.

Use as an introduction to an on-demand video interview. This helps sell candidates on the role and gets them excited to interview for it.

Push through recruitment marketing channels. Video content is marketing gold. Video-based realistic job previews are accessible, valuable and authentic.

[Related: See how a Fortune 200 company uses testimonials created by its current employees to attract world-class talent.]

2) The Interactive Simulation

Interactive simulations are often the first thing people think of when envisioning a realistic job preview. They can be a great way for potential candidates to imagine themselves performing the role’s day-to-day tasks.

Simulations that preview a job usually take the form of a game. Game design best practices play a huge role in creating a compelling tool for candidates. You’ll probably need to partner with a third party to create an engaging simulation.

How to make it work:

Interactive simulations require more intensive budgeting than their video-based counterparts, which can be created on a range of budgets. To make the most of any partnership with a simulation vendor:

Set expectations in the scoping phase. Set goals for simulation completion and conversion rates. Completion rates will tell you how engaging the simulation is (ie, how many job seekers complete it), while conversion rates will tell you how well it does its primary job: informing prospective applicants and getting them to apply.

Expand the pool of internal beta-testers. Nothing is worse than a boring game. As the simulation is in development, look outside your TA department for people to test it. Ask your current employees (especially recent hires for the role in question) to complete the simulation and provide feedback.

Build conversion points into the simulation. The simulation should naturally segue into the relevant job application, rather than live in its own bubble.

Build off feedback once it goes live. Involve job seekers in the tweaking process: ask them how well the simulation described the job’s day-to-day, and if they felt more confident applying for the role after completing it.

[Related:Labour Trends: 5 Disruptions Impacting Jobs in 2018]

3) The Hiring Manager Testimonial

In a recent survey by Lighthouse Research, 43% of job seekers indicated they would prefer to see a video from the hiring manager over any other video type. In close second was the job preview, at 31%. Done right, you can get the best of both worlds.

Functionally, the hiring manager testimonial is very similar to the employee testimonial — though with a few key differences.

How to make it work:

If the hiring manager is giving a realistic job preview, they are selling themselves as much as they are selling the role.

Set expectations for what the video should look like and provide clear guidance. The prospect of getting on camera can be intimidating for people who aren’t accustomed to it. It’s easy to get caught up in the uncertainty: “How do I make sure lighting is set up properly”? or “What if I stumble over my words”? You need to address these reservations from the very beginning.

Use the opportunity to show off the workplace. If the job isn’t remote, encourage hiring managers to give a virtual tour of the office while they’re explaining the role’s day-to-day.

Sell growth opportunities. Most employees who turnover don’t leave their company — they leave their manager. The flipside, of course, is that a great manager is a powerful tool for attracting determined talent. High potential employees want to grow. Managers that show what employee growth looks like with their leadership send a compelling message to high potential job seekers.

[Related: Learn How to Get Hiring Managers to Film Themselves]

4) The Interview

Interviews can also act as a sort of ‘realistic job preview’. While interviews at a later stage of the hiring process should be geared toward screening, interviews near the beginning of the process can be used to inform and sell the role.

How to make it work:

There are a couple different ways to go about using the interview as a realistic job preview.

Interviewing on demand. If you’re using on demand video interviewing, you can create questions that specifically inform candidates about the role. For example, with job simulation-type questions, you might show a video of a common conflict that takes place on the job and ask the candidate to explain how they would respond.

Sourcing hard to fill roles. If your recruiters are sourcing from passive candidate pools, they should be able to sell their leads on the role by giving them a realistic picture of its duties. The key here is to avoid a script, and keep the conversation open. Let the prospective applicant’s interests drive this ‘open-ended’ version of the realistic job preview.

Giving job seekers or candidates a realistic preview of a job's day-to-day is one of the best ways to draw them in — particularly if they are already employed. On the other hand, they also help reduce churn for difficult, high turnover roles, since potential applicants can screen themselves out if they don't like what they see. A great realistic job preview both incentivises candidates to stick with you through the hiring process and improves retention.

Learn More & Download

How to Recruit the Informed Candidate

A guide to attracting and hiring informed candidates on Glassdoor.

The post What is a Realistic Job Preview? (And How to Make it Work for Your Organisation) appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

3 Employer Branding Case Studies<![CDATA[allison hadden]]>Tue, 10 Dec 2013 00:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[Customer Success]]><![CDATA[Employer Branding]]><![CDATA[Case Study]]><![CDATA[Enterprise]]><![CDATA[Lithium Technologies]]><![CDATA[St. Dominic’s Hospital]]><![CDATA[

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If you’re looking for ways to enhance your employer brand online or even build an employer brand from scratch for your organisation, here are three employer branding examples of companies leveraging the power of social media, compelling recruiting videos, and audience segmentation to successfully promote their employer brand and recruit top talent. St. Dominic’s Hospital […]

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If you’re looking for ways to enhance your employer brand online or even build an employer brand from scratch for your organisation, here are three employer branding examples of companies leveraging the power of social media, compelling recruiting videos, and audience segmentation to successfully promote their employer brand and recruit top talent.

St. Dominic’s Hospital of Jackson, Mississippi, embraced the power of social media to amplify the company’s brand message across a broader audience with minimal investment. The healthcare organisation built out its Facebook profile to include a history of the hospital, photos of the facility, and a look at employee perks and benefits, to give interested candidates a realistic preview of the working life at St. Dominic’s. It integrated the Facebook page directly with its Glassdoor profile and in just five months, made four hires at a£315cost per hire from Glassdoor, saving the hospital close to £26,000 in recruitment fees.

RELATED: 5 Employer Branding Questions to Ask Yourself

Lithium Technologies developed compelling recruiting videos to showcase the company’s employer brand and bring its culture to life. As a technology company that allows brands like and Home Depot to build customer communities across websites, mobile devices, and social channels, Lithium understood the power of dynamic video content. The company produced more than 30 recruiting videos to give interested candidates a look into life inside the office and promoted its YouTube video channel on both the career page and Glassdoor company profile. As a result, Lithium increased engagement by 158% and sourced 25% of its new recruits from Glassdoor, second only to employee referrals.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car went a step further and segmented its employer brand to target the right talent. Each year, the company hires more than 8,000 college graduates, making Enterprise the largest college recruiter in the U.S. In tailoring its message to this specific audience, Enterprise used its career site andGlassdoor profile to communicate clearly-defined career paths for entry-level employees by highlighting the growth and development opportunities of its management training programme. By showcasing their brand, tailoring their message, and promoting its open positions on Glassdoor, Enterprise successfully engaged and influenced this audience, resulting in a 130% increase in traffic to its Glassdoor profile and 850 hires for the company’s management programme.

Want to hear more? Download our eBook for even more valuable employer branding tips.

The post 3 Employer Branding Case Studies appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

Best Places to Work Winners Share Secrets<![CDATA[Glassdoor Team]]>Wed, 09 Dec 2015 00:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[Employee Engagement]]><![CDATA[Best Place to Work]]><![CDATA[Best Places to Work]]><![CDATA[best places to work winners]]><![CDATA[bptw]]><![CDATA[glassdoor best places to work]]><![CDATA[great place to work]]><![CDATA[

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When Glassdoor announced the 2016 Best Places to Work list, we highlighted tips from winning companies on how to become a better place to work. We found common themes in their advice, which were also present among the top companies on four lists — U.S. Large, U.S. SMB, UK and Canada. Now, we’re happy to […]

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When Glassdoor announced the 2016 Best Places to Work list, we highlighted tips from winning companies on how to become a better place to work. We found common themes in their advice, which were also present among the top companies on four lists — U.S. Large, U.S. SMB, UK and Canada.

Now, we’re happy to share videos from each of the #1 employers, which offer a behind the scenes look at these best of the Best Places to Work:

Expedia: #1 Best Place to Work in the UK

Key to success: Its work hard, play hard culture. As you can see from Expedia’s video, what makes it a Best Place to Work is its winning, fun culture. The work hard, play hard culture isn’t just a social thing, it’s a part of Expedia’s business to its core. Employees feel valued and Expedia’s office gives off a fun, collaborative vibe.

Coolest perk: Employees are given a variety of ways to blow off steam, including a rooftop terrace, rooms with go-carts to go driving, and table games.

See the entire UK list here.

Airbnb: #1 Best Place to Work in the U.S.

Key to success: As you can see from its winning video, Airbnb is all about the mission “belong anywhere.” This mission statement resonates throughout everything Airbnb does as a company, including its employee experience, decisions it makes as a business and how Airbnb treats its employees.

Coolest perk: A quarterly travel voucher towards Airbnb, which shows Airbnb’s faith in its own product and how it values and embraces adventure.

See the entire U.S. Large list here.

Madwire: #1 Best Small & Medium Companies to Work for in the U.S.

Key to success: Company culture is first, always. At Madwire, the emphasis on company culture begins as early as the interview process. Company leaders believe employees should always love the people they’re around, and if employees love their culture, even the tough times at work will be fun. Lastly, Madwire focuses on team satisfaction, and believes customer satisfaction is a direct result of happy, productive, empowered employees and teams.

Coolest perk: Benefits are great (including company gym as shown in the video), but for company leaders and many employees it comes down to the great culture.

See the entire Small & Medium list here.

Earls Kitchen + Bar: #1 Best Place to Work in Canada

Key to success: The family atmosphere. Employees at Earls Kitchen + Bar in Canada are part of an “it’s your business” culture — employees are all encouraged to feel empowered to ask questions, learn more and challenge themselves. Employees boast feeling inspired to create a legacy and contribute what they want, not only just at Earls but in the greater community. Lastly, as you can see in the video, employees love the highly transparent vibe leadership instills, which is shown through weekly emails on company sales and statistics to the entire company.

Coolest perk: Learning and development opportunities.

See the entire Canada list here.

Learn more about Best Places to Work

To learn more about the Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Awards and to see the 2016 awards full methodology, visit

The post Best Places to Work Winners Share Secrets appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

10 Top Company Culture Videos on Glassdoor<![CDATA[Glassdoor Team]]>Wed, 08 Feb 2017 00:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[Customer Success]]><![CDATA[Employee Engagement]]><![CDATA[Employer Branding]]><![CDATA[Company Culture]]><![CDATA[top 10]]><![CDATA[Video]]><![CDATA[

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Looking to give your company culture an overhaul or are you working on improving your employer brand? Here are 10 inspiring company videos (in alphabetical order): ARM Holdings (Information Technology) Mission: To deploy energy-efficient ARM-based technology, wherever computing happens. Watch HERE Barracuda Networks (Information Technology) Mission:Barracuda Networks’ mission is to provide powerful product offerings backed […]

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Looking to give your company culture an overhaul or are you working on improving your employer brand? Here are 10 inspiring company videos (in alphabetical order):

ARM Holdings (Information Technology)

Mission: To deploy energy-efficient ARM-based technology, wherever computing happens.

Watch HERE

Barracuda Networks (Information Technology)

Mission:Barracuda Networks’ mission is to provide powerful product offerings backed by world-class services and support.

Watch HERE

Credit Acceptance (Finance)

Mission: To create one of the world’s greatest financial services companies as measured by our shareholders, team members, dealers, and customers.

Watch HERE

DocuSign (Information Technology)

Mission: Enabling anybody to sign, send and manage documents anytime, anywhere, on any device with confidence.

Watch HERE

Genentech (Biotech & Pharmaceuticals)

Mission: No matter who you are or what role you play, you’ll help change the face of medicine, and make a real difference in the lives people facing the most challenging medical conditions.

Watch HERE

HomeServe UK (Construction, Repair & Maintenance)

Mission: To provide our Customers with effortless service in order to free them from the worry and inconvenience of home emergencies and repairs.

Watch HERE

PSA Airlines (Travel & Tourism)

Mission: PSA’s mission is to always deliver satisfied customers to their destination, safely and on time. We are committed to growing our company where passion is shared, professional excellence is expected, and all people – customers and employees – are valued and respected.

Watch HERE

Red Ventures (Business Services)

Mission: We write in pencil at Red Ventures. We embrace change, it’s in our DNA. There are, however, a few things that remain constant, no matter what we do. This is who we are.

Watch HERE

ThoughtWorks (Information Technology)

Mission: Our mission is to better humanity through software and help drive the creation of a socially and economically just world. We bring together the most capable, driven and passionate people to:

1.) Run a sustainable business

2.) Champion software excellence and revolutionize the IT industry

3.) Advocate passionately for social and economic justice.”

Watch HERE

Rolls-Royce (Aerospace & Defence)

Mission: Vision - better power for a changing world

Watch HERE

The post 10 Top Company Culture Videos on Glassdoor appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

4 Ways To Deliver Constructive Criticism Remotely Without Altering Employee Morale<![CDATA[Dominique Fluker]]>Tue, 13 Oct 2020 05:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[COVID-19]]><![CDATA[

Managing a team remotely and struggling to communicate constructive criticism? You aren't the only one. Given COVID-19, more employees and teams are working remotely more than ever, causing an increase in digital communication over in-person interactions in the workplace. Interacting online is causing us to rethink how to work effectively within our teams, including how […]

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Managing a team remotely and struggling to communicate constructive criticism? You aren't the only one. Given COVID-19, more employees and teams are working remotely more than ever, causing an increase in digital communication over in-person interactions in the workplace.

Interacting online is causing us to rethink how to work effectively within our teams, including how managers provide feedback to their employees. Although receiving feedback is critical for career growth and progress, along with expansion and upward mobility within an organisation, most employees are hyper-sensitive or frightened to accept constructive criticism. Managers also don't love to dole out feedback; they often worry about offending employees and stifling their morale. But their employees are longing for it. One study published by Harvard Business Review found that more people prefer corrective feedback (57%) to praise or recognition (43%). This is mostly because people believe that corrective feedback does more to improve their performance than positive feedback. While navigating COVID-19, most things will change, including communication mediums, workloads, and more, but providing constructive criticism shouldn't be one of those factors that shifts. See our tips for delivering feedback remotely below.

Establish frequent and casual check-ins.

Even though remote work lacks the same human connection as the office environment, it's still essential to establish frequent and casual check-ins. Regularly checking in with your team by Slack, call, or email can help maintain that connection and alleviate common feedback issues. Research shows that managers often inadvertently layer in compliments within their feedback to sugarcoat their criticism, which makes it less helpful for their employees. To combat this tendency, make sure you are consistently providing feedback. Ongoing, casual check-ins prevent resentful feelings, future mishaps, and disagreements, which can often arise in remote work situations.

Be compassionate.

Before you critique your colleagues or employees' work, remember to exercise compassion as it can go a long way toward establishing trust. Since virtual employees don't have the regular opportunity to read tone or body language, building mutual trust is key to making your feedback more palatable and constructive. As a solution, utilise the same pleasantries as you would in the office. Taking this approach into account, you may be wondering how to show genuine compassion without coming across as disingenuous. The key is to let your colleagues know that you are on their side, even if you have to flag something that they could be doing better.

Leverage video conferences for sensitive information.

When it's time to deliver constructive feedback remotely, a video or Zoom call is the best alternative to face-to-face syncs. Research studies have found that video calls are just as effective as in-person meetings as long as you frame the video to capture your body language and not only your facial expressions. In order to have your written feedback misconstrued, be sure to convey your thoughts to your employee over video.

Celebrate your employees' accomplishments.

As a remote manager, you may be wondering how to praise your employees for their consistently good work performance.

"For a remote worker who's performing well, the risk can be that they are not getting enough visibility from their manager or the team. Feeling overlooked and underappreciated, they're at risk for disengagement and attrition. Research shows that the worry about being "out of sight, out of mind" or of having a fear of missing out (FOMO) can lead to loneliness and isolation in remote workers. It is therefore critical for managers to increase high-performing team members' social visibility with public recognition, and to reward good work."

You can begin to recognise your remote employees by doing the following:

  • Company email threads to appreciate good work.
  • Sharing messages in public chat rooms. One specific idea is a "Celebrate" channel in Slack, where anyone can give someone else a remote high five-an emoji, GIF, or written comment-for something great or noteworthy that they did.
  • Having a dedicated written space for recognition or gratitude.
  • Create regular time for celebrating 'wins' in a team or all-hands meetings.

The post 4 Ways To Deliver Constructive Criticism Remotely Without Altering Employee Morale appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

5 Ways to Spare Yourself and Your Team from Zoom Fatigue<![CDATA[Marielle Leon]]>Tue, 14 Jul 2020 05:00:42 +0000<![CDATA[Employee Retention & Benefits]]><![CDATA[Remote Workers]]><![CDATA[Video]]><![CDATA[

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Whether you use Zoom, MicrosoftTeams, Skype, BlueJeans, GoToMeeting or any other video conferencing platform, on-camera fatigue is real - especially if you find yourself in back-to-back meetings throughout the day. Some have mild symptoms like difficulty staying focused; others have acute issues like neck pain or migraines. Here's how to spare yourself and your team […]

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Whether you use Zoom, MicrosoftTeams, Skype, BlueJeans, GoToMeeting or any other video conferencing platform, on-camera fatigue is real - especially if you find yourself in back-to-back meetings throughout the day. Some have mild symptoms like difficulty staying focused; others have acute issues like neck pain or migraines.

Here's how to spare yourself and your team members from total exhaustion:

1. Prioritize (and encourage) NOT multitasking. Invariably, some aspect of the meeting does not pertain to you, which makes it very tempting to toggle between tabs answering email, responding to messages, or making your grocery list. It may seem like you're squeezing in productivity during the dead space of a meeting, but there are two liabilities. First, you're likely not following the meeting as closely as you think you are, which may cause stress later when you need to refresh yourself on the details. Second, multitasking is actually mentally exhausting, and there may even be a detrimental effect on our cognitive ability.

2. Don't hold a video meeting unless necessary. Try communicating with colleagues using well-crafted messages (sent by email or other group messaging platform) that clearly outline goals, challenges, ideal outcomes, and next steps for all stakeholders. As long as communication is crisp, a lot of time in front of the camera can be saved.

Read more: How to Manage Teams When Working Remotely

3. Explore ways to share a demonstration without a live meeting. Many in-person meetings are held in order to walk others through a process or show them how something works. Take a moment to brush up on other ways to share illustrative information, like creating screen recordings with or without voiceover. Giving team members an alternative to attending a time-dependent meeting and the ability to consume the content asynchronously when their mind is fresh can be far more effective. An added benefit is that the screen recording is always something they can refer back to.

Related: 3 Strategies for Acing Remote Workforce Onboarding

4. Keep meetings as short as possible. Limiting meetings to 25 minutes whenever possible to build in natural breaks within a stacked schedule, and always stick to a prepared agenda where everyone can access the meeting's action items. If you get through your agenda early and no one has questions, give people their time back.

5. Change up your video view. If seeing your own face on screen is distracting, hide your own image. You can also try using speaker view to more authentically mimic an in-person conversation.

Learn more: What Is Employee Engagement & Why Does It Matter

The post 5 Ways to Spare Yourself and Your Team from Zoom Fatigue appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

Why and How You Should Be Using Glassdoor<![CDATA[Adam Raelson, SAP]]>Wed, 07 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[Customer Success]]><![CDATA[Employer Branding]]><![CDATA[How To Use Glassdoor]]><![CDATA[Best Places to Work]]><![CDATA[Glassdoor]]><![CDATA[Glassdoor Reviews]]><![CDATA[Recruiting]]><![CDATA[

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I first heard about Glassdoor back in 2015, when I was still very new to SAP's Global Employer Branding team. After it was explained to me what Glassdoor was, and how it was essentially "like TripAdvisor for candidates in their job search", I saw the immense potential SAP could have on this channel. We had […]

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I first heard about Glassdoor back in 2015, when I was still very new to SAP's Global Employer Branding team. After it was explained to me what Glassdoor was, and how it was essentially "like TripAdvisor for candidates in their job search", I saw the immense potential SAP could have on this channel. We had a completely blank slate in front us where we could build SAP's presenceand strategy on Glassdoor from scratch.

Branding our pages on Glassdoor was easy. We had tons of materials to showcase including office & employee photos, Life at SAP videos, awards and links to our social mediaand open jobs. Furthermore, we made use of the additional global pages that Glassdoor offers, so we customised each one for each location available. Once our pages looked ready for us to share, it was time to spread the message internally to request employee reviews. Getting as many reviews as possible from as many different locations and departments is vital to a best-in-class Glassdoor strategy because only then will you be able to get the most accurate portrayal of what it's like to work at your company. Having 5 reviews from one location, for example, isn't enough to give candidates a realistic picture of what they can expect working there, nor is it enough for management to gain useful insight into employee sentiment.

A platform like Glassdoor fits perfectly in line with SAP's global "tell it like it is" behavioural strategy. But with almost 90,000 employees comprised of over 130 nationalities worldwide, we had a large audience to communicate to about this platform. We knew many employees and managers around the world had never heard about Glassdoor and we would be sure to encounter some resistance when persuading some locations to encourage their employees to log on and leave a review. Therefore, we needed to be smart at how we communicated the message and show them what the benefits of using Glassdoor are for all stakeholders.

  • For candidates: Glassdoor offers candidates a chance to look for jobs and read authentic and transparent reviews from employees currently and formerly employed in an organisation. Years ago, candidates could only find out what it was like to work at a company if they happened to know someone there. Through Glassdoor, candidates suddenly have hundreds or thousands of reviews they can read.
  • For employees: Staying in line with SAP's global "tell it like it is" behavioural strategy, employees are encouraged to leave a review on Glassdoor so they have a permanent channel to voice their opinions. We take all reviews seriously and are open to hearing what our employees have to say throughout the year regardless of when our Employee Survey is released. Employees also feel empowered that their voice has the potential to be heard by thousands of viewers and can make the difference in a candidate's journey whether or not SAP is the place for them.
  • For HR & Management: An involved HR and management department who regularly monitors the company's performance on Glassdoor is setting itself up for success. Glassdoor allows employees to provide ratings and feedback for career opportunities, learning & development, senior management, compensation & benefits, and company culture. Glassdoor allows HR and management to understand employee sentiment and what employees are saying in their locations so they can always be on the lookout for opportunities for improvement.
  • For Recruiters: Recruiters should regularly read interview reviews so they can gain some valuable feedback from the candidates' experience and be open for tips to improve.
  • For Branding: The Glassdoor Employer Centredisplays deep and beneficial statistics for each country, such as amount of reviews, number of visits and what the ratings are for Glassdoor's various categories. Branding departments can come up with customised strategies based on internal and external needs.

Once our Glassdoor strategy at SAP was ready to get going, we only had to begin reaching out across our company to spread awareness of this initiative. Working with HR, management, communications and other departments around the world over the course of two and a half years, SAP increased its score on Glassdoor from a 3.7 to 4.4, doubled its amount of reviews, doubled the amount of page views, tripled its followers and placed on 5/5 Glassdoor "2018 Best Places to Work" lists, making it one of the most successful companies on Glassdoor. Throughout the whole campaign, which is still ongoing and developing, these five "best practices" have always kept our focus and are tips I would recommend to any company thinking of starting their own campaign on Glassdoor:

1. Think Globally

Think Glassdoor is just a US or North American platform? Think again! Nearly half of our traffic to the SAP page on Glassdoor comes from outside North America. Once SAP offices around the world learn this, they are suddenly very eager to begin promoting Glassdoor as a tool to encourage employees in their countries to leave reviews. Make use of all the country pages Glassdoor offers and be sure to customise them accordingly. Include photos and videos of the location, post company updates in the local language and engage your offices in those countries to ensure your content is culturally appropriate.

2. Manage Your Statistics Closely

Following on to "thinking globally", keep a record of all the statistics Glassdoor provides you for each country. Glassdoor provides information in the Employer Centre on a local level about senior management, work-life balance, culture & values, career opportunities and what percentage of employees would recommend the company. Filter them by country on a monthly basis and keep track of how many new reviews you're getting and the local analytics. If you start seeing any discrepancies, you'll know how to target a tailored plan of action for a certain location.

3. Take Reviews Seriously

Look at every review as a personalised email and respond. Thank the reviewer for their feedback, answer their question(s) if they have any, point them in the right direction for tools and further engagement and ensure management is regularly updated on employee reviews.

4. Make Use of All Media Opportunities on the Site

Regularly update your header banners and include an embedded video to showcase your company. Rotate your banners on a regular basis and always add new photos and content to keep your pages fresh. If your company wins awards, you have space to showcase them on your Glassdoor page. Include embedded photos and videos in your "Why Work For Us" sections too.

  1. Keep a Steady Flow of "Company Updates"

Like a Facebook wall or Twitter feed, Glassdoor lets you post "Company Updates", where you can share news, link to blogs and other media or share something special with your audience. Your followers are hungry for content from you so by regularly posting "Company Updates", such as weekly, for example, they'll be updated as soon as you release it and you'll see your follower base grow.

Don't think though that just by implementing these best practices your company's rating will skyrocket. If employees are consistently leaving you negative reviews, don't look at it like a "Glassdoor problem". Rather, investigate where is the disconnect in your company's career opportunities, culture, senior management, etc. Glassdoor is a transparent platform for employee reviews, so by listening to the employees and improving upon what is missing in their eyes, only then will you see your overall scores begin to rise.

Most importantly, don't forget about the incredible staff at Glassdoor. Your account managers, client service managers and technical support managers are there for you. They are a competent and helpful team of amazing individuals who want to see your success. Schedule trainings with them, initiate a monthly call to stay up-to-date on the latest features of the platform, ask them questions. Make sure you know the Glassdoor platform inside and out. Working together, you too can achieve incredible things on Glassdoor.

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The post Why and How You Should Be Using Glassdoor appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

6 Ways to Demystify Glassdoor & Launch a Winning Strategy<![CDATA[Kirsten Davidson]]>Wed, 07 Feb 2018 00:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[Employer Branding]]><![CDATA[Talent Acquisition]]><![CDATA[Glassdoor]]><![CDATA[Marketing]]><![CDATA[Recruiting]]><![CDATA[

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Millions of candidates rely on Glassdoor to find jobs and get an insider’s view of what it’s like at any particular company. Specifically, 50 million unique users from around the world visit Glassdoor’s mobile applications and website monthly*. And, according to Comscore, it’s the second-largest job site in the US and one of the fastest-growing […]

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Millions of candidates rely on Glassdoor to find jobs and get an insider’s view of what it’s like at any particular company. Specifically, 50 million unique users from around the world visit Glassdoor’s mobile applications and website monthly*. And, according to Comscore, it’s the second-largest job site in the US and one of the fastest-growing in the UK, yet many companies are still unsure what to do with Glassdoor.

I’ve been a Glassdoor advocate from the start. First, when managing the employer brands for both eBay and Visa International, then, as head of employer brand for Glassdoor itself. Now, as a Senior Partner at consulting firm Employera, I regularly help companies optimise their paid and unpaid Glassdoor strategies for powerful recruiting results. I’ve learned some things along the way:

1. Assign Ownership

Someone needs to own and manage your Glassdoor strategy and execution as part of their role. Without clear ownership, your Glassdoor programme will fall through the cracks. A great strategy will combine efforts from recruiting, brand and marketing, and communications. But responsibility for the programme must be assigned to one person.

2. Assess, Analyse & Benchmark Your Current Glassdoor Presence

It’s important to see what your candidates are seeing, along with where you sit in the competitive landscape. As a starting point, you might use a framework like the one we developed at Employera. Rate your company and each of your competitors on the Glassdoor attributes shown in the illustration below, which fall into 3 categories:

  • Ratings and comments, which have implications for reputation and feedback for organisational improvement.
  • Optimisation of Glassdoor profile features – messaging, branding, content (video, photos, updates, employer responses)
  • Data – number of reviews, trends, etc. Gather your data and insights, and use them to underpin your strategy.

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4.Develop a Response Strategy Endorsed by HR, Executive Leadership, Communications & Legal

There’s a reason you should respond to your reviews: 62 percent of job seekers say their perception of a company improves after seeing an employer respond to a review, according to a Glassdoor US Site Survey in January of 2016. Creating a response strategy takes the mystery out of how, when and why to respond.

Your response strategy should include:

  • Messaging platform:Design a message platform around the key themes. Note: This is not about writing canned responses. It’s about ensuring alignment and clarity up front on the key messaging you want to reinforce when writing your responses.
  • Response rubric:Identify who responds to what. Knowing and having agreement on what the CEO vs. CHRO vs. business leader or manager should respond to allows you to respond quickly and accurately, showing candidates and employees you are listening and that you care.
  • Timeline for approvals:Establish protocol and a timeline for review and approval of responses.
  • Process:Identify ownership and ensure alignment and participation from all parties.

[Related: Results of Responding to Reviews]

4. Authentically Engage Your Workforce to Ensure New Reviews

Candidates are looking for recent and relevant reviews. And, the more reviews you have, the more complete your company’s story will be. So yes, you want to engage your employees to leave reviews. The most successful and authentic way to do this is to operationalise the ask as part of your current communications and procedures. For example, you might include a link to Glassdoor in the email that goes out to employees at their 90-day or mid-year review, with a simple ask to share their experience with potential candidates. Including a link to Glassdoor and an invitation to share their experience in these communications is an easy way to invite feedback throughout the year.

5. Optimise Your Profile for Recruiting

Few companies consciously optimise their profiles for recruiting. You don’t have to just replicate what’s on your career site or tell your generic overall company story — you can hone for your candidate audience/s. And unlike a career site, you can easily update all your content anytime. 3 out of 4 Glassdoor users are more likely to apply to an open job if the employer is active on Glassdoor (e.g. responds to reviews, updates their profile, shares updates on the culture and work environment).** Whether you are a paying customer or not, there are available options that allow you to actively manage your profile and design content for your specific audience/s.

  • Messaging. In addition to more general company information, make sure the story you tell about your workplace is articulate and specific enough that the right candidates opt in, while those who are looking for something different opt out. You’re not trying to hire everyone, just the right ones.
  • Tabs. (PAID FEATURE) Think creatively about how to leverage your tabs. You don’t have to parrot what’s on your career site. And you can update content at any time. How about including a “Featured Jobs” tab, where you post and highlight key open roles and link to a short video from the team and the application URL? How about a “Key Projects” tab where you regularly highlight key projects or go behind the scenes on something new? Get creative. Be specific. As a paying customer, it also pays to make sure you’re advertising your own jobs on your own profile page.
  • Posts. (PAID FEATURE) Don’t post generic content found on your social channels. Ensure the articles you share support your recruiting efforts. Articles that perform well are ones that give candidates insight into what it’s like to work at your company and how to land a job with you. Sure, share great news about your company, but remember your audience. Go beyond just duplicating what candidates see elsewhere. Curate content for the job seeker.
  • Photos. Together, your photos on Glassdoor tell a visual story about your brand. Be sure that your photos tell a complete one — your different locations, teams at work, social aspects, community efforts, etc. Be mindful of the quality of photos. You want to be authentic, but you are also representing your brand.
  • Videos. Make sure the videos you link to are current. And that the links work… you’d be surprised how many don’t.

[Related: How to Recruit the Informed Candidate]

6. Establish a Feedback Loop

Your strategy needs to include a feedback loop for executives with actionable insights that can lead to meaningful change. Your employees and candidates aresharing their feedback, and Glassdoor provides a great opportunity to listen and learn. Regular reporting ensures your executives know what’s going on and helps them stay on top of critical issues. Responding to employees, both on Glassdoor and through internal communications about the changes you’re making, lets your talent community know that you’re listening and taking action to improve.

Don’t be afraid to engage on Glassdoor. Your candidates are coming to your profile because they are interested in learning more. A solid strategy removes the mystery for everyone and lets you actively manage, monitor and improve your Glassdoor presence with confidence.

Need an objective professional assessment or assistance with your Glassdoor strategy? We can help. Click here to learn more.

Kirsten Davidson is Senior Partner, Employer Branding at Employera. Kirsten heads up Employera’s Employer Brand practice. Previously head of Employer Brand for Glassdoor, she is a go-to industry pro for building, improving and managing your employer brand.

Employera helps large and mid-sized companies solve difficult challenges in attracting, hiring and keeping the right people. Services include employer branding, recruiting operations consulting, employee engagement, culture, and experience design.

**Glassdoor US Site Survey, August 2017

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Top Takeaways From Our Employer Branding Summit<![CDATA[alicia]]>Fri, 12 Sep 2014 00:00:00 +0000<![CDATA[Employer Branding]]><![CDATA[News and Events]]><![CDATA[Glassdoor Employer Branding Summit]]><![CDATA[Glassdoor Summit]]><![CDATA[

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Thank you to the thousands of employers who joined us for our first ever live Glassdoor Employer Branding Summit. If you couldn’t be there in person, don’t worry! I’ve got you covered – here are my top takeaways about employer branding from the day’s event. To give you a preview of the live event – […]

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Thank you to the thousands of employers who joined us for our first ever live Glassdoor Employer Branding Summit. If you couldn’t be there in person, don’t worry! I’ve got you covered – here are my top takeaways about employer branding from the day’s event.

To give you a preview of the live event – we had paparazzi in full effect with our very own green carpet and music blasting as you walked in. Guests mingled as they helped themselves to coffee and a morning snack and then quickly grabbed a seat and we were live streaming by 8:55am PT.

So in case you tuned in and out to each session, here are my top takeaways from each!

Robert Hohman from Glassdoor – Welcome Intro

Glassdoor’s very own CEO Robert Hohman took the stage to kick things off and intro us into the big bright world that is employer branding today. According to CEB Research, employers suffer a 50% deficit from a bad brand. And branding is not just for the rich and famous. If you aren’t a recognised brand name, you need to focus on your brand even more. We haven’t met a company yet that doesn’t have a unique value – the key is to find out what that is and tell that story!

Lars Schmidt from Amplify Talent – Keynote Presentation

Has anyone else anticipated the “ubering” and “tinderising” of recruiting? According to SHRM sources – 50% of the labour market will be Gen Y by next year. This is a social generation. And social media is NOT a strategy; it’s a tool. Smart organisations are using social to give looks inside their organisations and building communities of engaged audiences. Social media levels the playing field – you don’t have to have to have a huge budget to be social. Oftentimes, in recruitment, we tend to be too rigid and not forward thinking. Just remember that talent draws talent and continuous training is always encouraged.

Josh Bersin from Bersin by Deloitte – Simply Irresistible: Are You?

Did you know that only 8% of employers have an active programme to help them deal with all the noise we are exposed to daily? This is why you’ll see work/life balance as a common theme – people are overwhelmed! People don’t leave due to bad managers anymore; they leave if a job isn’t designed well. Studies show that employees on smaller teams have more fun and are more engaged. So be clear and transparent about goals and don’t under-staff jobs! 60% of those employed are now raising families. Life is complicated enough without work being complicated, too.

Pro Tip: Recognition goes a long way! Good brands also factor in diversity and provide employees with clear paths for growth.

Bryan Chaney from IBM – 3 Secrets to Employer Brand Storytelling

Bryan kicked off his session with some 5-hour energy and literally had people standing up in their seats! Coming in hot, his session was about how to figure out what you want to say when you craft your employer brand and what you don’t. In today’s recruitment market, information is out there whether you want it to be or not. The key is to know what your audience identifies with and realise that you are going have to think like them as you develop and refine your employer brand story. A good place to start is to look at your career site to see where the traffic is coming from. See where candidates are getting their information and use those specific channels to tell your story. Then figure out how to drive people to that information, and not just your career page! A multi-channel strategy is critical to your success.

Jennifer Tharp from AT&T – Content Is King, Distribution is Queen: Content Marketing for Recruitment

Your audience is anywhere that they see a job description. When looking at AT&T’s candidate traffic, Glassdoor’s traffic was more than double all other social properties combined. The same content isn’t going to matter to every person coming to research your company. Context is how you put it all together.

What do you do with the new way candidates consume information? Distribution! One example is a campaign that AT&T did around veteran spouses. Now when you Google “military jobs,” AT&T jobs will come up before jobs at the actual navy. Getting a message out there that doesn’t exist will draw more people into your brand. Target your message to the right audience. Employer branding is not just fluff. Apply a business strategy behind it to make sure that your work pays off. Distribution affects the overall strategy.

Pro Tip: Resist the urge to just link to the “About Us” section of your website. Add things that put real context to the jobs and opportunities that you are creating. Then automate with hashtags and other items – there are easy ways to do this without someone having to do this constantly. AT&T has one person auditing content …. “One”! Align the right content with the right audience – it’s the recipe for success!

Will Staney from Glassdoor – Announced the 2014 Talent Warriors Winnners!

We sifted through 500 nominations and whittled the list down to the top 10 recruiters of the year, or “Talent Warriors” as we like to call them. Check out the winners here!

Arie Ball & Anthony Scarpino from Sodexo – If Seuss Was Alive in Two Thousand and Five

The Seuss was not created by “I” because I cannot tell a lie. The same applies to your brand! Sodexo has a poet on their team, and they get together to help have conversations between hiring managers and candidates. Make your employer brand story fun and engaging and different to stand out from the pack! It’s not what content works best; it’s how you present it! This showed through and through during their presentation at the summit.

Jen Powell from Deloitte – Infinite Possibilities, Limited Budget: Optimising Your Branding Resources

With so many suggestions, how do you know what to say yes to? Like any consumer company studying why consumers are buying products, Deloitte studied what candidates like when applying to work for them. Of 3,000 candidate responses, they came up with 30 persona categories to target with their brand. Firstly from the survey, they learned that candidates are happy to share what they think! This validated some strategies that Deloitte already knew were affective, and also uncovered a few surprises. One key theme found was that employees really are your brand. What employees are saying about you is what candidates will think of you, so building brand ambassadors is critical to your success. One of the biggest surprises from the survey, was that when asking where candidates went to research companies, they answered that they were NOT going to Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. Instead, it’s key as you develop your employer brand to know what sources candidates are researching when they decide to apply to your business.

Stacy Zapar from Zappos – Getting Your Brand Out of the Box (2:00-2:30pm PT)

People want to peek inside the company to see if they relate to the people and if they really want to work there. You want to shine the light on what’s already there. One way to do this is to pick a hashtag and encourage employees to share their story. They will see other employees do it and share organically! Check out our #100HappyDaysAtWork campaign as this could be a great place to start.

Shannon Smedsted from CEB – Using Video to Share Your Company’s Story and Attract Talent

Craft “the fit” into your story. While at Geico, their employer brand video was the 4th most viewed on YouTube. It’s a great and affordable way to get your message out there. Choose talent wisely for your videos and listen to feedback. Getting feedback from recruiters on what candidates say will help you tailor and drive your company’s message home. Lastly, have fun! That culture will come through on your video.

Alison Hadden from Glassdoor – Well My Employer Brand Sucks. Now What?

Jeff Bezos, the CEO at Amazon says that: “Your brand is what people say about you when you aren’t in the room.” Candidates experience buyer’s remorse when the company message is determined by the stakeholders or HR department at a company and not the employees. If you’re doing a good job of differentiating yourself with your employer brand, it will show up in your applicant quality and accepted offers. Be sure you are measuring in these two areas to ensure ongoing success!

The post Top Takeaways From Our Employer Branding Summit appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

5 Amazing Glassdoor Profiles — & What You Can Learn From Them<![CDATA[Glassdoor Team]]>Wed, 01 May 2019 05:08:02 +0000<![CDATA[Employer Branding]]><![CDATA[Employer Brand]]><![CDATA[Glassdoor Profile]]><![CDATA[Hiring]]><![CDATA[Recruiting]]><![CDATA[

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You know how important it is to be present on Glassdoor — but do you know what a strong Glassdoor presence actually looks like? While there’s no single recipe for success — what’s right for a tech startup might be totally different than what’s right for a financial institution, for example —there are a number […]

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You know how important it is to be present on Glassdoor — but do you know what a strong Glassdoor presence actually looks like? While there’s no single recipe for success — what’s right for a tech startup might be totally different than what’s right for a financial institution, for example —there are a number of different organisations out there that are leveraging their Glassdoor profiles to the fullest extent in their own unique ways.

Below, we’ve highlighted a few of our favourites, as well as some insight into why they work so well. Read on, and see how you can apply some of these strategies to your own profile!

Nando’s UK

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From the moment you look at their profile, Nando’s UK make it clear that they aren’t your typical casual dining restaurant. For one, the focus they put on their people is unparallelled in the industry. From the tagline up top declaring, “It’s the people that make the chicken” to employee spotlights, Nando’s clearly emphasise how much they care for their employees. Add to that colourful, eye-catching graphics, frequent updates and multiple references to professional development and career growth, and it’s no wonder why Nando’s employees are head over heels for this cheeky eatery.

[Related:Here’s What the Perfect Glassdoor Profile Looks Like]


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It’s no secret that Sky is one of the largest entertainment companies in Europe, and they certainly don’t hide that on their Glassdoor profile — mentions of their high-quality programming can be found throughout their profile. However, they do a great job of highlighting the diversity of roles available within the organisation, from technical positions to content and production jobs. Frequent mentions of the #LifeatSky hashtag encourages interested candidates to do more research, while a video of the stunning head office in Osterley featuring an atrium, cafe and bike station provides a great peek inside daily life at the company.


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It’s no longer just about the pay cheque —today’s employees want to feel that they are helping to make a real difference in the world. Knowing this, Unilever highlight the fact that they are a purpose-driven organisation throughout their Glassdoor profile, from a cover photo that promises “A better business. A better world. A better you.” to a section that shares their sustainability targets to a featured employee review stating that “I felt proud to work for Unilever and everything [it] stands for.” On top of that, Unilever do a great job of leveraging video and updates to share why employees love working there.


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Although Siemens was created in 1843, they’re still as innovative as ever, a fact which they make apparent in their Glassdoor profile through sleek visual branding, updates on their latest projects and a “Why Work for Us?” section that brands their employees as “Future Makers.” We especially love their featured video, in which employees describe what it’s really like working at Siemens.

[Related:Why Investing in Employer Brand Pays Off]


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Tech companies are known for having a work-hard, play-hard culture, and this is something that Skyscanner don’t shy away from. They talk about their cutting-edge technology and share articles from their engineering blog, but also make sure to emphasise the fun activities they offer, like video games and ping pong. Skyscanner also do a brilliant job of highlighting the many awards they’ve won, and include a variety of high-quality photos of their stunning office.

The post appeared first on UK | Glassdoor for Employers.

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.