The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

VV' if" fl 60 BARBERS' COLUMN 31 BUSINESS NOTICES 85 HOME SERVICES 100 MISCELLANEOUS 100 MISCELLANEOUS 120 HOME APPLIANCES 110 ANTIQUES-ART PAGE 13 SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER April 19, 1975' mwm APPLIANCES I Kir, 561 Valencia. 431-0255. Why gam- M7 1 ur Uia All repairs APPLIANCES Repairs A Sales A Buy. Refrgs, Washrsy Dryers, Stoves. Guar.

Free est. 831 Clement 752-5110 or 752-5111 i DISHWASHER, port, Gd. 534-1799 Stoves, Wash-ers 3036 24th St Reasonable Rodrigues Appliances 647-6260 FREEZER. EXC, $480 588-5103 IRONRIIE mangel. 561-36167" RtFRIG.

Exc. iii 285-9881" REFRIGERATOR $150. 934-314T sewing New A Used, most makes, Nee-ehi, Pfaff, White, Singer, etc. Som W74 models JUt- limited. Eves, till 8 PM 1314 8 Av see.efM SEWING Men Sinuisr Ind'l, lOI 1 SIAA Vacuums Recond.

guar'iI5 uo ftLcW9 San Brun0 SF 468-4510 i-i. Tint ill iiiKa 4V1H tim VACUUM Cleaners Hoover GE, Electroluxj KirbyGuar. $15.1 Prce del. 115 Clement. 125 TV, RADIO, HI-FI STEREOS Beautiful Stereo component set (193 moduli.

r.iBBion speed automatic Turntable with diamond needle and transpafJj AXFM MULTIPLEX stereo radiiJ. A 8 track tape player, External. speakers nave oeautirui walnut iinisii. aa tor tna wnoie irving street, S.F. CROWN Rent TV-Stereo.

$12 PER MONTH Open 9-9 Delivery No deoosttll SALES A SERVICE 992-3'5t" SAVE MONEY TIMEJ. We guar, louvaxi- msmiiiuT prices on brand name compo-'r noma, hii quotes answered dy. For prices write WESTERN STEREO BOX' 37421 san Mataei, ca, 9490Z 1 City Wide TV Rentals-! RENT COLOR, aii rent applies to purchase. 64-3201 tHLKAOOO S-110 stereo ceJ.ver. pnnips Turntable wsnure Hi-track.

2 large 12" 3i way speaker system. In Carton warranty, $395pffer ZENITH Chrome-a-color, porta ble, as new $250. Sears zig-zag, ac'iii inauimiB, a yrs.uiu, sjuu. Mens recliner, like new Td 3 ern. H.i-hhha Sony av-86o6 Color VtH.

ili'K CVM-1225 Trinitron Color monl- lor receiver, plus 17 reels tape, old. $1,400.00 415 934-6671 Eveswkends, SONY Tape deck. Mod. tc 5i dual changer 1229, Mclntoschl oy wait stereo amp. MC Z505 Mac equalizer MQ102, 2 Mad MC- L.

986-Z2O0, sfio wcstm base and d. latest SME arm, JC1 cart. Preamo. Itent siipfx $595best offer. 771-1962 a.m 'A m.

eicPDt sunaavs. RENT NEW, ZENITH RENT APPLIES TO PURCHASE 756-5300 Open 9-9 fMyicfcft iv Kecoramq Camera Tape Unit. Solid State Vemmx Record A view TV Droerm nrl mike vour own; Guar 457-1536 COLOR TV SALE EXCL. COND. $99.95 A Up 867 Valencia St.

64-3ZU1 TAPE Recorder, Garrard chamber. jbl console, Walnuti cap, sac. $400 i 863-2434 JBL 001 system, Maranlz 16A33 Kenwood 7000, BAH 337 tauo $1275 all or oart. W.lflcn L-100's. used one hr.

taP" d6et. mod X-355D $400. ofr. 359-6557 AUDIO Research Tvm 111 J5nn Tym, $300, III MT's SAt Mk IV r.M wk aiv snkrs MARANTZ 88. 1320.

Maranlz1! jit. All new tubes. Mac 225 Mac C-20 Preamp. $17, COLOR TVs RECONDITIONED1 tz3 mack si wnite S39. Guar.

TV. 3438 Mission. 826-1222 speaker KITS, same raw spkrJ as major mig. USB. save 90-Sf.

MARANTZ 1060, AR, turntable', speakers, TEAC, 360F, maktof- fer, 566-7679. PIONEER STEREO SET wiffi tape oecK. turntabe. $350 931-3684 after 6 P.m. CB RADl6, 23 ch.

Paid il95. seU. $155 (408) 378-5445 eve. T7 Color. 24'' iMK fort.

IV. S40 431-7130 hbUm dmm recev. CP4 aemoa, 1295 865-1503 CONSOLE AM FM. BSR changer Exc. Sac.

S150. 285-9881 pTjfNOSONlt stereo casettt, AMJ rivi, apurs. i3 P34-3H43. CROWN stereo JBL A Thorenj; $2000ofr, 584-2754 ev. RCA Accucolor 25" TV 73.

IxcA cond. $200 Firm. 285-9B11 AKAI 4000D tape dack. 391-2154 COLOR 25" $150. 826-202 REVOX A7 $500.

325-5755 MAC 5100 $350 369-3553 AR3a micro tweeter. 928-5671 COLOR televisions. comb. Gd.

534-809 STEREO KLH 50. $110. 346-7939 JOHN, Messngr III $75 corid. 98P-2Z00 SAE Mark Nine pre 387-8387 Wanted 125-1 INSTANT CASH for TV's, Work or not, 346-8358 346-1139 We 6UY used Stereo equip. No hot For quote, B48-USFD VIDEO Taoe sys.

707-795-3U1. 130 1 MUSIC COLUMN PIANO TUNING A REPAIRS MOVING A SALES. 332-5559 WURLITZER Baby Grand, exc condition. Off er 965-0870 PIANO, Grand exc cond. creat tone.

$1100. 391-4958 -1 BARBERS! COSMETOLOGISTS) KENNY'S WORKSHOP HAIR DESIGN FOR MEN WOMEN has expanded to 23 chairs and is taking applications for barbers cosmetologists. Creative working conds. Education. Full medical coverage.

Paid vacations. $1000; mo. guar. Also opening for barber assistant and cosmetologist assistant. Oakland.

Calif. Call 444-9975 and ask for Rusty Perez, asst. mgr. 65 MOVINft.tTftD ktif BLACK SELF HELP Moving Storage Give us your goodwill furn. 24 hr.

serv, 7 days "Help us to help ourselves" 861-9515 or 386-6754 BUDGET MOVERS LOWEST RATES IN TOWN No extra charge for weekends MOVING-PACKING-STORAGE 347-7766 PAY-LESS MOVERS Moving Storage Move now, pay later! 24 hr. serv, 7 days. 626-3459 Family Movers Non-inflationary rates. Experl-enced Responsible, 929-0985 STORAGE. 10X25 area.

$45 mo, Half Moon Bay. 726-9397 LOPEZ Moving Service. Low rates. 621-0800 pay or night. 0 -I T.

Individual lockers Self Service Storage 863-4490 PEDROZA Own. oper, Same rates 24 nr. lc. insured. 285-7929 70 TRANSPORTATION Ship Your Car All States Overseas All Gas Insured $3 Million ICC 431-0663 Aaacon Auto Transport 1095 Market S.F.

AUTOMOBILES Delivered Anywhere 1 Rail-Truck-DHveaway Insured Pier 44 989-1866 AUTO DRIVEAWAY America's Oldest Largest The efficient way to Ship your car bv Qualified drivers door to door 777-3740 Auto Driveaway 785 MarkBt St. AUTOS DELIVERED DOOR TO DOOR AUTO DRIVEAWAY CO. 2390 El Camino 321-7044 SHIP YOUR CAR Cars-U-Drlv All Points Portland, Seattle, Salt Lake 760 Market 362-6100 CARS FOR SEATTLE, 1st TANK Jt- GAS l-Ktt! 474-6611 DRIVERS needed for Oregon, Wash. Salt Lake 697-1246 DRIVING Somewhere? Need "id- ers. neip wgas etc? B24-8397 FREE.

cars to L.A. Plus gas. 441-7733 credit Card Red. SHARE driving of my car to Los Angeles soon. 664-5193 LATE Model cars to Seattle, gas, allowance.

4-7 p.m. 871-9552. 75 TOURS-TRAVEL CHARTER FLIGHTS Pan Am. Charters to Europe. 12 tngnts in juiy from i-u wks.

Year-round depart, from $399. Save No Membershin fee. CHAR-TOURS 495-8881 605 Market S.F. 94105 Charter Flights London via Pan Am nther Flights Zurich, Amsterdam, Par is, rranKtun, nong ivong. No membership fees.

Call-KALEIDOSCOPE 922-7923 KENYA TANZANIA 16 day Photo Safari. Depart London weekly. From $1150. NILESTAR (415) 433-5473 FLIGHTS AT ECONOMY FARE TO Tokyo, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Bombay, Africa Worldwide. JET SERVICE 928-2564 SPECIAL low fares to TOKYO, Hong Kong, Bangkok.

Manila. K.A. TOURS (415) 431-6600 CHARTER FLIGHTS-ShlDS-Rail Worldwide-Low cost WINSHIP TRAVEL 826-0072 or 826-4217 SPECIAL Economy fits, to Eu India, Fiji, Tokyo, Hong long, BangKOK 4143D-4DDU C'HArYer Eurooe. OrT ent-Budget tour: cruises freighters-ran passes 39Z-1880 RAFT the EEL May 6-9. $60.

Incmealsetc. 236-7219. 85 HOME SERVICES ACOUSTIC SPRAYED CEILINGS. Reas, price. Compare.

826-0884 ACOUSTIC SPRAYED CEILINGS Reas. rates. Guar. 585-7332 ACOUSTIC SPRAYED CEILINGS I ifAtimft ffiiarantAA- 34.3Qin ADDITIONS, remodeling, new work. No job too large or too small.

Free estim. Bennie Wright. Gen'l Bldg. Contr. Lie.

941 107 4A7.Q745 ADDITIONS Carpentry all types biectpiumoroot, ivz-iWi BACK hoe ooer. $25 hr. Bui dozer op. $30 hr. Scraper op. nr. By contract, 707-823-5852 Or 823-8728. BSMTS Cleaned. Haul sm. iobs, Anytime 6zi-46i 333-39Z BRICK PLANTERS.

Frplcs. Free est. LIC Z1Z916. ins. 661-8574 BRICKWORK, EXPER.

A-l. ALL TYPES. FREE EST. 755-7286 CABINET MAKERS Carpenters. European, Fxpert, 585-7977 CARPENTERS.

Lie. 276576. Ins. Add new rooms. Remodel kit.

decks. Repairsfoundations stairs. Ref. Financing avail. No dn.

pvmt. 864-3610994-2928 CARPENTER, home repairs, new work, uecks. fences. 69Z-03S4 CARPENTRY PROFESSIONAL All type repairs: Remodeling; Additions; Code violations: Fire work. One stop service.

Lie. Honest free ests, 864-2686 CARPENTRY, Kitchen remoSTfTu addtn. home reoairs. sun oecK. 626-U81'ev.

472-4758 CARPENTRY Remocieiing. re-pairs, additions, cabinets, Stairs. State lie, 68897. 468-U38 CARPENTRY Father soFEome repairs. 566-7300.

CARPENTRY. General, all-type work. Phone 39 1-5989 CARPENTRY. House repair, re deck, stair. Lie.

661-587! 'carpet1 Installation fte- pair. workmansnip guar. i iiimi CARPET Steam Cleaning, wail-to-wall, 282-1438 I AVlti'V rleanincf r.nar. 191 23 yrs. exper.

Lie. 568-4037 CARPET INSTALLATION REPAIRS. 366-0879 CEMENT WORK: Patios, magna-site. basem*nt Cleaning fill. Free estim.

bzz-bjwi evwxa. CEMENT, brick, block, stucco, Free est. Expert 822-4585 CEMENT Work. Patios, side walks, pricks, f-ree est, inb-dia CEMENT work, all tvDes. Free estimates.

467-5029; 467-4322 CEMENT work, all kinds. Free est. 584-B45Z Z3i-8ti CEMENT work hauiing. Free tsb 822-4476 or 647-5347 CEMENT WOrK. Pave your side walks i anveways.

CLEANING. Reas Ins. Ref. Pre rental houses. Stoves, walls, windows.

994-3587 CLEAN Windows, walls, floors, carpets, aatmts. Ins, 921-2891 Commercial Hauling Basem*nt cleanfng. painting, lawn work, gardening, vacant lot cleaning- $12.53 per load npA Y-LESS MOVERS 626-3459 DRYWALL. Taping, catching, sneetrock, texturing. Q56-4422 A antctrcck, planter ELECTRICAL CONTR.

FREE ESTIMATES Lie. Ins, Reas. BA 1-6600 ELECTRICAL Contractors. Rea-sonable prices. 928-2721 ELECTRICAL WORK, Licensed.

Free estimates. 626-1426 ELECTRICAL Contr. Lie. Reas. prices.

Free estims, 387-5701 ELECTRICIAN. Lie. Small lobs we come, Daynight. 863-3149 GARDEN Landscape, Profession- al. Cleanup, Reas, 992-8246 GAROENER.

Clean up, trim. Japanese style pruning. Mainte nance, pnone anytime, stn-iiii GARDENER-COMP. serv. Reas.

est. 24 hr serv. 665-6288 HANDYMAN. Discount prices. Save up to 50.

Plumbing. electrical bldg, 924-8966 UANHVMANI I ot nc Hn thai "uunrk 4- basem*nt cleaning, 928-7B50 HARDWOOD Floors refin. re- worked. Free est. i 664-4131 HARDWOOD floors, refin, Wax- mss.

Bin orasseur, 454-aai HARDWOOD Floors. Sand. Stain Refinish. 566-7623; 922-1601 HAUL-CLEAN UP Lge. van, 2 men.

Reasonable 826-5168 Handy Jack HAUL, Clean Yards, Bsmt. Odd jods. tiarcia 5-iwoi. HAULING, Moving Painting 86 1-35 IS Or 3B6-B3 HAULING1 CLEANING ANY THING, ANYTIME. 285-9560 LINOLEUM laying.

patnrooms. jao-uB9 MOVING, Hauling. Daynight. Reasonaoie. free est.

jsb-MZ84 PAINT anything cheaper) Cali us first save money! Ins. Kefs. 435-1890 PAINT FRANK GEORGE Reas. exp, free est. iis-isx PAINT Wallpaper, professional.

Int.ext. FREE; Est. 333-0584 PAINT SAVE. Interior, Est i mates. 36z-t6t PAINTER needs work.

Courteous. Int.ext. Paperhanging Free est. 665-2225: 738-1175 PAINTER Professional. Int.

rms. from $30. 863-3258 55Z-C738 PAINTING PROFESSIONAL Commresid. Also all types repairs. Lie, ins.

Refs. Honest. Fret ests, uw-zooo PAINTING DEC. Free estim. State lie.

303628. low cost, 731-6494 PAINTING: Int.ext. Quality work. Reasonaoie. Free estim 564-1196 PAINTING tastefully expertly done at modest rates.

Exterior only. Rets. 431-3079 PAINTING $30 room! Expertl 1 Day service! 431 -yi 14 joe PLASTERING Patch. Prompt svc. own wk.

Free est. 665-4390 PLASTERING Patch. Own work. Neat. Reas.

Free est, ju 4-ozug PLASTERING Patching, stucco expert, r-ree est. bm-4uju PLUMBER 864-6600 No job too big or too small I luz we ao mem am SOjgive us a call 864-6600 PLUMBING Heating 30 gal. wtr. htr. Norm, inst $139.

Sr. Cit. discount. 334-0564 PLUMBING, copper installation, drain lines general repair. Free estimate.

993-6296 PLUMBING 992-6146 Guaranteed Free estimates. PLUMBING Hedtin Py Master piumcer. Free est. 3o-isi REMODELING paint, roofs, concrete, REFS. 848-6203 ROOFING Serving the Bay Area.

All work guaranteed. Call 822-3540 day or night ROOFING Patch. New. Gutters. Do own work.

Guar. MA 1-4612 ROOFING Hot tar gravel. Reas. 922-5339 or 861-7793 SANDBLASTING Texcote painting. Guaranteed 'til 1990.

Best price in town. Free estimate. Call 563-3711 collect, 24 hours, SIDING; Wood, vinyl asbestos, Roofing. 467-8054 eve. TILEHANDYMAN.

Remodelre- grOUt. 8Z4-8ZJB 35S-BU4Z TILE WORK, New remodeling. 58b-Ui9 UPHOLSTERY Reasonable. European craftsmanship. 585-3043 PROFESSIONAL PLUMB'l NG-" Heating.

State lie. 288030. FREE est. 661-8488992-0566 100 MISCELLANEOUS I ACRYLIC Plastic Sheet Sale Mylar polyester Film 44 inches by 50 ft. 100 ft.

at: 50 OFF TAP PLASTICS. INC. 3011 Alvarado St. San Leandro Z041 East St. concord 1212 The.

Alameda San Jose 4538 Auburn Blvd. Sacramento bU6 soutn san Mateo ACRYLIC YLIC PLASTIC li, $1.05. 316 $1.30, V4'1 NO. ii.a sq, tt. ad scnuster.

2340 west Oakland, 653-3588 AIR Conditioner 40 ton, Carrier, compressor conaensor unit, Bell Gossett, chiller, barrel Marley cooling to wtr, (408) 295-2626, ALUMINUM Sheets thick alloys Alcoa 1145 or Conalco 1100, low copper content. 6300 per week available approx. June, 1975. Ideal for stamping. For further information and or sample Write This Paper Ad No.

258514 ANTIQUES, Oak clocks, swords, cased dueling pistols, cannons, motors, Eleo-ronics. new used tubes, parts, surplus. 2290 First Livermore, Saturday A Sunday. AM. Tour, luggage, 3467186 APT.

SALE-Clothes Sat.419, 10 to 4, 278 States AQUARIUM 300 gal. Fully self-cont. Valuable fish inci. Very beautiful. Orig, cost in excess of $2100 Sac.

$1300 388-7502 AQUARIUMS: Tropica! Fish Hut 3809 Geary Blvd. SF, 387-7362 4679 Telegraph. Oakl. 653-6065 AQUARIUMS: Albany Aquarium African Cichlids our specialty. 818 San Pablo, Albany, 525-1166 AQUARIUMS (2) 40 gal.

1 fresh. 1 salt, H.D. stand. Pumps, Ligt, Filter, Fish etc. b64-6U9 AQURIUMSFish 10-8 daily, 10-6 Tues.SatSun.

Closed Wod- 401A Judah Cellbrpok Trorjftals ACQUARIUM, marine. 5 Lompi inci. Tisn. tiw 333-3344 AQUARIUM 30 Ig.

Gro-lux, Fish plants. 5130. 5ZZ-3305 AQUATIC SPECIALTIES has the best aouarium tisn ouys hi town. See big Sun, ad 681-FISH AREA RUGS REMNANTS OWNER RETIRING! "ONE OF A KIND" IMPORTS, INDIA, ENGLAND, DENMARK etc. Fine Domestic all Drasticallv Reduced! SOME AT COST OR LESS1I 3'x5 Remnants samples, wool nylon $1 To $25 ea.

Going Out of Business LAST DAY MON APRIL OPEN DAILY 10-5 SUN 11-3 McKown Carpets 1942 Ocean Ave ARMY bunk-beds Foot lockers Blankets Percale Sheets-Tw $3j QnKmg $4. KAPLANS 1055 Market BAR. Restaurant DeliGrocery eauiofixtures 567-4711 BARNWOOD weathered $.50 bdft. Stockton zq9-Z39-jPnj eve BEAMS eec, club spec, states. VlP's, 250 bottles.

$4000, or wst otr. sz-we BED, water, king, compl. pdstl. S1W, fftr. BEEF 64c lb-farm 409-628-3559 BIKE Bianchi 24" 10 speed.

Perfect. $100 Ofr. 665-7615 BIKE sale $79, new 'Tokeim sod. ratio, rz tl39. 444-lo66 BOWLING Ajtey, miniature 12 wng.

sacriTice. dwww iufCHER' Blocks ea. 22-7735. ZW im eves f.iRPFT SAMPLES (13X181 15C CARPET PEMNANTS .50 Off CARPET HALLRUNNER $2.50 yd. ODD LOT TILES 0c ktuTii t.l ctifkTila.

19C 9x12 Carnet faDorox.t $2195 JONES. y1 g47-651 CARPET SHAG, HI-LO PLAY CARDS AT CLUB HAROLD'S NOW OPEN IN PALO ALTO, CALIF, Harold's Club bus leaves dally Sunday from San Francisco BUS REsERVAT INFORMATION Call 493-M20 PAY BUS DRIVER $20 ft GETs $17 CASH REFUND. $3 FOOD $20 VALUE REFUND PLUS FREE TRANSPORTATION HAROLD'S CLUB 3901 EL CAMINO PALO ALTU, CALIF: TEL: 493-5420 Bankruptcy lJ300's have filed bankruptcy got out of debt stopped suits judgements attachments harassment KEEP home car furn.7 clothes $2,500 MORE! Ra- establish credit. FREE I pg. pamphlet In plain envelope explains bankruptcy.

Chapter 13 form completion serv. American Bankruptcy Council OFFICES STATEWIDE (415) 441-5175 2525 Van Ness, SF 941Q9 BILLS Pressing? Get dutof DEBT Without Borrowing Send or call for free application. IAC Assoc, Dept. (213) 657-6771. 3l7Vi S.

Robertson, Beverly Hills, CA. 90211. Name Address CityState DIVORCE? Do your own with Attorney C. Sherman's book and our legal forms completion service $65. The WAVE Project, Fremont 792-796 Oakland 653-1143 Palo AltO 494-7912 Redding (916) 241-6051 Sacramento (916) 927-4444 San Francisco 982-1371 Walnut Creek 937-6339 BANKRUPTCY Wipe out debts file bankruptcy.

we win oo it at our ottice or you do it with our kit. Keep Car, home, cash, furn. etc. Stop court actions, Callwrite California Bankruptcy Council 1255 Post, Suite 832. SF 94109 (415) 673-1482 Office hours: LIMITED Exhibit Space Avaiia- Die, cant, sport, recreation ve.

hicie boat show. May 23-June 1, Santa Clara Co. Fairgrounds. 408-286-8330- 40 MALMEY LOANED BUSINESS LOANS For expansion, working capital. Any business purpose, secured bv Business Equipment; Real pers.

prop. Call Collect! STEVE MULLAN San Jose (408) 286-6672 PAC FINANCIAL CORPORATION NEED MONEY for machinery working capitoi, expansion, etc? I have helped scores of businesses obtain needed funds through a government backed business loan program. Find out todav if vour busi ness can qualify for this long term tinancing (a to years) at low interest rates by calling one of our-Loan Counselors at 398-0630 HOME OWNERSI Money r-ranged on 1st 2nd loans to clean up make Improvements. No credit checks, no co-signers, no age limit. Call Mr, Alan, Agent.

434-1383. MONEY for any business purpose. Unified Trl-Cities Devel- opment io tn-mni. nrau-a BUSINESS VENTURE MONEY AVAILABLE 654-1818 Wanted 40-1 RARE YIELD Unusual corp. tax situation enables firm to offer highly seasoned R.E.

contracts DISCOUNTED to create an extraor dinary high annual yield Se cured dv 1st t.qs. Principals only. Call Ms. A. Jordan 928-3700 EARN 10.

INVEST IN WELL SECURED S.F. REAL ESTATE LOANS Mr. Gains 397-1700 Buckbee Thorne Co. Bank of America Center REALTOR WANTED for gilt edge 2nd loans. Prime S.F.

Real Estate. SKYLINE REALTY 861-1111 50 PERFORMING ARTS DANCERS-Audition summer dance course ($100. Fee) with 'Daniel Grossman. Noon 420 Jenkins Studio, 2005 Bryant, SF. Sponsor PAW 931-9228 COMPOSER seeks singers tor gospel, poo (ballad), country-rock songs, rhythm guitar, bas- sist drummer.

771-3772 MODELS, Actors Singers, etc. CASTING NEWS AVAILABLE I Butterfield 8 777-0888 wAnT fd 6E A COMEDY WRITER? 8 Week Eve Course 333-3337 LEAfcN how to become a radio announcers a wk. seminar. Lee TRIO needs sineing KVDra. play.

er for standards, funk, rock for hotel gig. 278-6665 ORGANIST. Weddings, recap-tions, parties lessons. 359-0128 COMPOSITE photos taken by Richard Burton. $45.

824-84 8g Study Clascal Pep. BeginnersAdvanced 567-9526 ACOUSTIC Guitar Player or Duet needed for Pup, efti-owio ev. PHOTOGRAPHY. models Hank. Entertainers 654-2651 60 BARBERS' COLUMN HAIRSTYLIST (Cosmetologist) Great oppor.

to tna independent without caoital investment. Offer limited to successful SF stvlist with proven leadership qualities, write in confidence to xnis paper na no. inirt. FORMER Beauty School 2nd fir. Market St btw.

5thbth. Avail for beauty parlor or school. wougn piumning m.i-im PAIOAR Chrs back bar tor 4chr. shoo, will sell chrs. sep.

excel, con. days 447-2680; eves. BADBrDe I n.l, 0 fnmnkl. Walnut grain. Showcases.

Bel mont black chair. Recpt. rm furn. Make Offer. 573-5618 IF not a CERTIFIED stvlist um, hie k.rh., KM-llfl.

HAIR Stylists Hayard Rams neap cgrpgr arup. o-ia WANTED Fem Barber-Stylist ex- per. union si. snz-iu PORTER Mature. Golden Shears, Yen'O rant.

350 BARBER Stylist Fern pref. top snop, 5. Mateo, ii-isz BARBER wanted. Roffler Shop, CALIFORNIA INTERNATIONAL ANTIQUE SHOW SALE SONORA FAIRGROUNDS HIGHWAY 49, IN TOWN APRIL 18-19-20 DAILY 12-9PM SUN 12-6PM PRESENT THIS AD FOR 25 OFF $1,75 ADMISSION ANTIQUE AUCTION FAFDV CATIIDrvAV Iftl Aaaif Featuring quality American European furnishings, (e.g. roll wbm, uurin.

suites, Eng. A Fr, dining sets, copper A brass ware A many other Kerns too numerous to men- 'PREVIEWS FRIDAYS, 10fo5 Continuing SAT. till Auction AUCTION Commences 11:30 a.m. BATTERY STREET Aiip.tiam fihi i CDirc 1100 Battery St, S.F. 788-4900 StL, AUCTIOINELf NEW SHIPMENT OF AMERICAN OAK Outstanding selection of high Suality Oak Dressers, Tables, esks, Office File Equip.

Desk Lamps, Gas Shades, etc, Buy finished or unfinished, Lay-ways Invited, VICTORIAN ANTIQUES 1400 Pomona, Crockett 787-2372 Wanted 110-1 Antiques Jewelry Old Silver, Lace. Cut glass, Brie-a-brae, Furniture, Clocks, Paintings, Bronzes, Rugs etc. FREE HOUSECALLS MARINA ANTIQUE GUILD 921-6363 SILVER ANTIQUES HOUSE CALLS-IMMED. CASH Flatware, side pes. pure silver A ttrf ng.

Anv anfimia slat nr porcelain, Clocks, icons, an-t'que firnlturt. Any old pieces. ine rv uw, vwiicui (415)848-1932 UkGENTLY NEEDED" FINE JEWELRY and WATCHES and FINE ANTIQUES. BLACKWELL S63 SUTTER S.F. 433-4886 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.

rM 'i Lsiate furnishings, etc. Harvey Clar Estate Gallery. 893-704? TOP PRICESPAID Stat Tirrilahln LA SALLE GALLERY ANTIQUES WANTED (415) 793-221 AARCO Pays more for An- U'l 3-3830! 344-5607 115 HOME FURNISHINGS APPLIANCES, Washers. Dryers, noii iga, jrezerac Slys, FREE UITU trr rti i r- a ECONOMY CENTER 953 Mission Open Sun 12-5 777-4 id? AtLliftMPi TVs. Auction mug ucuon, 183 Salvio, Concord.

689-1897 BED King size new still packgd. foundation, frame. fJrm.i5 will de usually 6Lu sLI Wnavh. Proyl ncTaT 626-821 BORM set, antique white A gold French Provinvial. John Whit-comb, 2 mie stands, triple drawer dresser, quilted headboard A spread, lite blue.

2 lainpa. ijuu. BtUHUUM SET, 7 Pes. $159 fll ADC IT mftllTilnM lf "rr." rvnniivxt 2243 Mission betw. 18th A 19th, stand? maituox spring, B63-Z434 boa springs i Mattress, $115; Fir.

amn UKA tiQAtact BOX Snrinpmatt. t25 265-9881. CARPETS, 501 Nylon shau or wiiiiii. yc.jj atq, yq, ZB3-843 COUCH, chairs, bdrm set. tables tamps, bar A stools, bit in etc.

yy-Jiia. DINETTE. 6 chairs 584-8749 DIN. RM. 9 PC.

800. Chinese rug. 9X12, hand made. DINING fahlo 6 Chairs. Art deco.

567-5207 eves FURN. artr clothes, 731-64IS HluE-A-BEO Headquarters. Largest selection No. Calif. Over 100 M.V"' ffini.

runiii I UKt CU, 2328 Telegraph Oaklnd 444-21 12 W6useh6l0 CiJrN. mMTT LIVING-ROOM SET 1 Pea. nl nnr triiDMYintir 2243 Mission betwn, 18th. A 19fh. MARBLE coffee table A 2 match fiB cm inn, f3, Z83-9HBI $400 MAPLE Desk, sm.

Gd. 5a4-87Q9. MATTRESSES A BOX SPRINGS. at factory, 13-12 off. Most sizes avail, By famous mattress co.

IMATinUAl CI IDhllTI IBP fA 2328 Telpgriiph. Oaklnd 444-2112 0TESS sit SALE! GRAND urtriinitj. IWin sets J59.95: uuuuies o.s3! uueens SH9.95. 271 9th. S.F.

Monday thru oaturoay. 10-5, 6Z6-6949 GArJ. Hammond, enlnr TV atrtru, DC51 QTrs. OZ-fj8ft8 PIANO. SoineL color TJ! LOVE SEATS, antique TEA TA- BPst uttrrs.

9ZZ-H754 eves. RUGS CARPETiNG-REMNANTS all sizes, $5 up, 285-8743 RUGS Unclaimed. 9x12 $9.95 up. auprcme cleaners Z931 Geary, RUG 12X14 'i, Gold Shatr. thick pile IZ3.

388-BQ45! 9ZZ-4903. SECTIONAL Sofa, 3 club chr. A otto. Marble dot tbl, end lamps. Dinettt wchina SOFAS HIDE-A-BEDS-Closeouts from model homes.

Drasticallv reduced. Good assort. Never used. From $169. free delivery.

Warehouse, 205 El Camino Real, san eruno. open sat. sun 11-4. WKnys, py annt. 334-68JZ SOFA, 90" Antique bookcase, wmgpacK cnair.

SOFA Immac. $173 7 5b-0224 WALL unitbkcstble. 776-5462 WATERBEO Frame, liner A matt 433, 9 am-g pm. 963-4049 NEW USED SCRATCHED DAM' AGED FURNITURE. Sofas from $70: Loveseats from $60i New mattresses from $36: New Lamps from $19.88.

10-5, Mon. Sat, 271 9th S.F. 626-6949 UNUSUAL 3' 6' finished natural redwood slab for desk, dining chess table. Queen-size hide-a-bed sofa; hatch cover wrought iron coffee tbl, or bar top. 566-8761, 8-10 p.m.

LOW PHiCES OUR 29th. YEAR ALL NEW. FREE DELIVERY FRIENDLY FURN. 547 Clement SK 1-5822 open p.m. WAREHOUSE PRICEf! Imported A Fine American Furniture.

BAsem*nT! "AS-IS" BARGAINS ELSIE SMITH 945-947 Baftery Wanted 115-1 ABC PAYS MORE CASH IN MINUTES for any amount of Furniture, Antiques. Appliances, etc. Call HE t-9982 Anytime Of 344-5607 Eves. A Sundays Discount Furniture Highest orice fc? vour furniture A antiques. INSTANT CASH 24 hr.

Serv. 861-9515 or 386-6754 120 MrtAiP APPLIANCES APPLIANCE SALE SAT SUN ONLY! Washers dryers stoves rfrigs ffwrs 2ni.offi Rndnaues 'o's 2fh StSF 647260 SCUBA Div, Eqp. $200, 648-5566 SCUBA gear. Pert 788-1579 SELF STICK TILES 19c ODD LOT TILES 10c linoleum remnants 50 off ARMSTRONG Linoleum 11.99vd. PEDERSON 150Steiner 861-8446 SEW Machine Pfaff.

397-5849 SHELVING, metal. 700 unite like new. Cheap. Ask for Mr, Ulmer 3BB-1343; Uf-4a3-8346 SHOOTING Gallery. Coin operat ea.

uuoo moneymaner. nsn-imi SHOWCASES (7) glass. many sizes, eusvan Storage, 900 Battery 7 days, 981-1405 SHOWCASES $20 UP) safes $100 up. uipiay Tixtures hthlcii tfAMPS Israel. Covnrs.

fnm. runners, nouso or ion. Visit us at Wespex, Jack Tarr Hotel, April J8, 19, ZO, STEEL SHELVING. CHEAPlT 14981 Z87-3b64 STERLING SILVER, GOrham, srv. for 8.

332-0395; 388-5750 TURQUOISE NUGGETS per strand whls. only $100 min purchase. Jesse James Tdg, Co. Tues-Fri 626-710? USED clothing store, one of'tTie nicest in tne bay area, we even nave new doming (2nds, The Garment exchange. 3112 Shane Drive, Hilltop Can-ter, Richmond.

222-3312 UTILITY Box Trailers. Various Sizes. 841-380; 848-898 WALNUT Slabs, burls, lumber. tirewopq, 17071 546-4045. WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE Pallet rack, steel shelving snop equipment.

Various sizes all at factory cost or below. Phone 59Z-6148 Or39Z-0161 10x40 A 10x50 office trailers. See at Pier 42, SF, 957-1280 Wanted 100-1 OLD SILVER Flatware, bowls, candle holders, etc. now. uoid silver coins, Dental gold.

Gold A silver watches, rings, pins, medals etc. House calls, Webster St. Rare Coins, 1514 Webster St. Alameda 522-4557) 521-5191. Anytime, win travel SAN FRANCISC6 PROVIDENT" LOAN ASSOCIATION Will pay cash for your Jewelry, A a uuiu of mammas.

Mission nr. 5th St. across from the Old U.5. Mint. 982-4400 DIAMOND PALACE" Cash For Your Diamonds Buvers of Precious Jnwlrv 897 Market St.

392-7023 RESTAURANT BAR EQUIPMENT We will pay TOP DOLLAR for your usaoie surplus. DJmMONDS-JEWELRY-OLD GOLD SILVER COINS TOP Al 630 Market Rm. 520 362-0132 BASEBALL CARDS. Pacific Coast League, tee-nut caras, i9ii-1937. Highest prices paid.

Call jt-jjc art, a rivi COIN Operating Machines, ad yenning iroys, rniniaiurej sov uca, eves. cl-3ll 6AMONDS. Old Gold. 'Jewelry'. Any condition.

The Jewel Case. 245 Powell S.F. 781-1140 OLD Negatives prior to 1955 of or. Kauroaas. wntt liarry low St.

sf. 94110 COMM'L. Dishwashing machine. q. COna.

(415) 456-5810 COINS, Stamps. Top Dollar. nome cans maae. 933-8Z1Z. SAFES WANTED Top b-zuu WHEELCHAIR.

Lt. Wt. 681-3401 110 ANTIQUES-ART MARY J. RAFFERTY ANTIQUES PRE-SHIPMENT SALE Our biggest A best shipment of Antiques rrom tngiano due soon. Till then reduced prices on our present large oeautnui stock even finest 18th Centurv.

Many items Vi-Va offl OPEN sum iz-3. weekoays The Bright Eagle 1040 Noel Dr. (A 25-Rm. Century-Old Mansion) The Antique Fair 935 El Camino Both Menlo Park ANNUAL SPRINfi Fl INr. Antique watch $15 rocker $30; Westminster wan ciock Sb0; carved dbl.

walnut beds $65 A $85; Alcove bed $90: piano $150; dbl. door mirrored armoire $195: dbl. sink marble wash stand $275; large Roll top desk $495, much more In a world wide selection. ANTIQUES IN THt RUI-F, 1767 Waller S.F. Open Saturdays suns, uniy CAPTIVATING CLOCKS Weight driven Wonders, Marvel-o Mantels.

Sensational Springs, Grandiose Grandfathers. Graceful Grandmothers. Regal Regulators, Venerable viennas a collectors delight! THE CLOCK LADY, 2333 South El Camino, san Mateo. FILIPELLO ANTIQUES INf. 1632 Market St, 626-3372 OPEN 7 days.

9:30 am to 6 prn 60.000 sq. ft. bldg. filled w17th. mn and ivtn century turn.

Everything you need under 1 root, ueaiers welcome, MUSEUM quAlITV, archaic unmese jaoe jeweiry sculpture. Antique Chinese embroi-d I porcelain, chests A screens. Private collection. 841-3111 SHERIDAN lath Cent. Walnut secretary wmttea tiid too desk-5 drawers-collectors condi tion, gng.

$4000. our price 673-2770 CLOCKS, Old. 50 Germany A uairian mane, rrum 9iuu up; Old Beer Steins: bronze Ink well, very rare 12" high, Call eve. (yjtj) 633-3U RUGS, larke A small, Navaio, Turkish. Afghan.

Moroccan Kil- Ims. Indian animal Dharnes. Fvt. party. 8Z6-91ZZ 23rd Annual Marin County Antiques snow ana ADril 24.

75. 26th 511 Caledonia Sausallto. I. HI I Urn neyuc C.irrk tcoA I A 11 ft lnoths AuftlUkl Wholesale price $95 each. Must oe moveo oy puyer, 38B-3I1Z StERLlNG Towle service for 8 serv, pes.

Antique clocks, waitnes, jeweiry toys, rock- ni. nisque TIP. iviore. 383-ZZ33 LITHOGRAPHS Complete series, "cmidren of the 87 of 100, Chas. Bragg.

Remit to P.O. box 443, los Gatos, ca 95030. 4 Georgian Sterling CandRla bra's, signed Matthew Bolton. 141.5) 332-4854 ART AUCTION EVERY SUNDAY! PREVIEW 11 am AUCTION 1pm COHT uALLEnY 377 GeatV St. SIRE CART fMH iron 01am.

wneels. Aoorox IR 1550 r40Sl 354-1718 A6LLT6P i'M rialltres 4120 Oak Bkcse 1175 Bentwd.Chrs $10 YOULL'S, 1651 Polk St. 441-8361 OAK "S'1' rolllop desk FTZ 1595ofr. Wknd. 12-6 Dm.

Mon Fri. eves. 4208 Mission No. 3, BEDOUIN Tent. Blk, goat hair.

27'X13-Vz'. Complete. A livable dwelling, WVJO. 3Z4-760O FURNITURE AUCTION new used Tues 7pm McCoys 22366 f-uner av Haywarq b3-zbi BRASS poles with chrome acces- sories trom oio s.r. nrt station, Call MILLHOLLINS ANTIQUES Whole sale, retail 1847 23 ra st san PablO Ca Z33-8734 0TZ33-36Z6 EARLY American love seat.

SIOW. watcneo swan arm love-seats. $2000 209-368-3923. entire stock antiaues. briC' a-brac.

Bargains galore! Sat A Sun. 10-6. Z33 cnestnuT at. SALE SALE SALE PATTERNS LTD 1166 Battery St.SF 398-5630 PLAYER Piano. Aosoluteiy uti- maculate condition.

See fo ap-nreciate. 2350 firm. 388-7502 BEAUTIFUL old coastal age'd Redwood. 5000 board ft feet. $2500, art.

r.n TELEPHONE BOOTH, Old Out- flftor tvoe tjju rwgyi-iiB ANTIQUE handoags for collec-tors. 3 avail. 461- 5463 aft. 6 By Miro, signed, framed $500. 564-503 eves.

hand- AN lluUfc Secretary aesk. mwO. 700 3l-2T63ev BRASS BEDS ALL ZEV 861-33CO nuuriu Phvfa couch. Pert. VfS 621-9848 E'ermaN WALL CLOCK Coiiec- 922-2555 FR.

Prov. armO'rej commooe, eC. Pvt. neiier fVcTK TnMih! 'c. 334-599J p.

t-l fWWfWWM' 7' 1 X. L' -1' P. Si I i i "TJ Mary Fallon San Francisco found to my apart 99 ment. You can sell in the Want Ad Supermarket Phone 777-7777 Are you in the market for lavender, lace, lumber, lamps, There all in the Want Ad Supermarket Phone 777-7777 CASH Reg. Victor.

Almost new. Sac. $2000offer. KENNY'S WORKSHOP HAIR DESIGN FOR MEN A WOMEN. 465-1007, CHAIR (wing) sofa, Klttenger.

Qui It. A-l cond. 863-1620. CHURCH PEWS, Pint lift long, (408)354-1718 COMICS, CYRUS Noble bottles, 756-3443 DIAM. Ring.

Tax Sale Sacrifice. $11,000 ring for $5500. George blA. 1-K gem qual. Ofr by coil, $8Ksports car, 846-6047 DIA.

Vd Ct. lad. gold wed. set DIA 1 $495 ap $1500 DIAS, Estate 1-4K. 755-7286 DYNA-GYM $250.

771-6641 kNCLYCLOPEDIAS 2 Rocking cnairs. 349-54Z8 atr. 5 ESTATE Sale, 23 rm. Vict. 160 Maignt 5t.

iz-s, FINDINGS Hook Eyes, liquid snver, sliver oeaas, turquoise nuggets etc. Whsl. only $100 min. purchase. Jesse James Trading Co.

FIREWD. Oak. seas, full yr, Vj curu, 9:3. oei. oo-o9 FLEA MKT.

Antiques 'taiore. April zo. sutter St. Man, foi-som, Xa, 9th Annual, oy Sutter St. Merchants' Assoc.

FLEA Mkt, SatSun. Free park- ing. 49 w. 42nd Ave. San Mateo FURNITURE over 1000 factory oamageo new usea nsnid.

furn. appl. misc. Samples, storage, leases. Daily 10-6.

1370 Sutter bet. Van NessFranklin GARAGE SALE Well-heeled bachelors selling off huge and wonderful accumulation of goods to delight your senses; fine soaps, large lot of scented block ana votive can dies, nigh-fashion men's and women's clothing and Jewelry, new housewares, antiques and collectibles. Dealers welcomed. We need the space more than the money. Everything must go.

2172 Pine St. Sat. Sun. 9-6 GAR. SALES (3) Pacific Hts.

SatSun. 104 419-20. Furn. tools, sports equip, SS wet bar. Antiques bnc-a-brac globe chand.

tovs Bumper pool, bike rack, rugs paint'gs, tonsu crafts Jars Z3U4-ZM3-Z333 Pacific AV. GAR. SALE Maior aoolnc. Col- lectabies Antiques (Depres giassj, usetui unique runn a ton of Junk, 418 to 424, 10-5, 827 Wisconsin22nd St. mop rotrero Mill.

zsz-5843 GAR-SALE "BENEFIT" 40 Con- inc. ramnys, ig. inventory. iBbB Greenwich St, S.F, Sat-Sun 10 AM-4 PM ALE-MARINA, old wasner, oryer. etc.

161 Lorn- para iz-smm sat-sun GARAGE SALE. Large! SPECTA-ULARI 1155 Miller St. So SF, 9-b sat sun. pr 19 zo GAR Sale Misc. Hshld.

cameras, 3 families. Apr, 18,19 20, 10-6. 244 5th AVi GAR SALE! Sample Dresses, Fur niture, misCm "UritAF" sat Sun. 9-4 829 24tn Ave. 5F, GARAGE SALE-Lg.

din. rm. SetA misc. turn. sun.4zo, iu to 9, 384 cienwooa Ave.westiake gar SALE.

Sat A iun. 9-5, Dshwshr, Misc. 3835 Judah St, 665-3470 Garage sale. 419-20. 149 Mane Ian.

nr. Forest Hill Sta. 9 am-5 pm. GAR. Amoire, furn.

220 presioio 419, 4-u. GARAGE sale, 18 Edgemar St. Daly City, Sat. A Sun. 10-5 GARAGE sale Sat.

A Sun, 419-20 lu-3 i9a 4titn Ave. GARAGE SALE Jewelry furn ture. 36 Dorland St. SatSun, CARACE Sale. Sat.

Sun. 8 am-5 pm, 998 Chenery SF. liAKAiib saie, t-iuusenuia items A furniture, 2627-43rd Av. GAR. SALE- Misc.

junk funk, an tiques. 10-6, 1834 Baker, GAR Sale. Good Stuff 1 2300 Erin, SSF. 419-ZO. 10-4 GAR.

SALE- Unique. 3718 16th St. off Castro. Go. bargains GARAGE sale.

GIGANTIC Sdt- sun. 3088 MARKET at 18tn. GAS WELDING SET. 345-2852, GIFT items imported, large inventory, $38,000 retail, will sell cheap. Make offer on the lot.

tail SB6-ZJZZ GONDOLAS, all metal. 72' Daly -3C MLtm Mr fcQf.n37 HlfcSHE Olive shell, pin shell, meuon snen por iranu, Whsl. only $100 min. purch. JJTC, T-F 626-71UZ JEWELriY.

Tiffany. 863-1620 KING Size bed, white imit. 8x12 rug, sony stereo. 340-3113 LIGHTBULBS A Flourescent lamps. Also projector pnoto lamps 40 discount by case; 47 5 cases: 50 10 eases.

Free dlv. Lighting Div, S.F. Neon, 690 POtrero, SF 621-0645. LlauoR 6ecAnter b6ttles. Cyrus Noble, gold miners series, inci.

complete sets and in-dividuals. 916-422-7766 aft 6. LUMFEYOL) NEED 'LUMBER CALL OUR NUMBER 886-1166 REDWOOD LUMBER 4x4x6' S4S 4x4x8' S4S 4x4xRL S4S 22c l.f. 2x4x8' rgh. 96cea 2x6 decking bds 18c PINE LUMBER STD.A BTR.

2x6xRL 15c l.t. 2x8xRL .,..1 20c 2xl0xRL 250 2xl2xRL 30c l.f. ZENITH 11 Traynor St.Hayward LUMBER Used Douglas fir 20 trimuts. SO' soan 1150 ea. 10MBF 2x6 TAG .250 lin.

15 MBF 2x8 TAG lin.ft 98 1484 3-7om 788-7226 aft.7. good used. 343730T Mt A I MAKKET A Grocery Store tquip. 8i shelving. 638-Z14 MINK Tourmaline cape: lady's golf club A cart 334-5993 sign.

"Wheel Alignment. Brakes A 25' hujh x6' Wde. 415-366-8Z19 PALLET RACK1. PERSIAN Rugs, many, all sizes, mostly antiques. ionnan, oar-ouk, Bokharas.

$50 to $945. Busvan Storage 7 days-981-1405 PINBALL mach. See to appreciate. $650. 388-75PZ pi r.fir AMERICAN HOUSEPLANTS 550 Taraval, S.F.

665-8209 PLANT sale-healthy reasonable States. POOL TABLES. Beautiful hand made antique replicas. $695. CSA Mfgr.

333-4230; 752-6838 ETrfTt TABLEs-Authentic a n- tiques, full Brunswick. line A none POOL TABLitS-slate beds, bras- tiC reouctions. umuea quun. From 1370 333-4230; 752-6838 PRODUCE cases, compressors A I LROAO TIES 820-3165 REDWOOD DECKING PRICES DEFLATED Sale by unit only 2x6 decking S4S ,139 S4S $139 A $169M; 2x4 con, ro. or S4S $89 M.

Farm units, random length A width 1, 2 1 4" thick $59M. Fuller Redwood, power Inn at Fruitndge, Sacra-mento, Daily 8-5 (916) 3B3-3295 REDWOOD FIR BEAMS Used lumber, assorted sizes From 2x4 to 10x16 Pier 41. S.F. 989-3890 Bargain Sales Choice Stock redwood BURL Tables A Clocks. Lge selection.

Finished A unfinished. RetailWholesale UiimluilH) Rurt Wnrk U7-4839 a ctaiidamt gas A eiec. $100 A Wint bar, front A back section mode Hotpoint deep fryer keg beer eoioer wcom-pressor lr cooler chrome wtabie tops 30x42" $24 targe rcsi. oiniwr ifiaica $1 broiler tor steaks wall counters shelving $50 each. 495-6171 asK fOfGiieert ontcjunnn m.iun ti GAVEEL 1681 FoTsOm 626-2614 RUMMACe f.Al inons.

bv Ben. efit Guild of E. Bay. Fantastic pargainsi Bnc-e-orac. amiQues, urn.

A Cloth. Sat. 4'19. 10-4. Vet Memorial Bldg.

401 High- lana Ave. Piedmont, ca SAFES Used. lge. assortment. 75 industrial St.

S.F.826-27CO R. i .4 15 LOST FOUND CAT lost Laurel Heights. 412. Black half-Burmese wsmaii amount white. 752-3275 Reward DOGS, GT.

Pyrenees, 1M-1F, wnite, lis ids. ea, "King- "Queen." Last seen Big Sur. Reward. (408) 625-1921 (714) 327-0850 DOS mala, longhair dachshund, black and tan, puppy, lost area of Sanchez 18th. Child is sick over loss of dog.

Please return. Reward. 621-0513. D00 lost Whippet (looks Greyhound) 414 "Gremlin" REWARD, call If seen. 886-7951, 9J4-013U.

DOG Rwrd. Afghan blond blk. mask tail. Answ. to Ray, 10 mo.

no quest. 522-0419 DOG Blk. Lab, white feet, ans. to bam. Lost near van rcess- Valleio.

771-9684. DOG, Beagle-Terrier, maie, Drown, wnue, oiacK yrs. uoio- res Pk. $Z50 reward aei-nae DOG Ger.Shep co*cker mix. brn.

mo, 10 sunset, au rew. 564-Z3B4 DOG htUDr.Mkt UblKM. DOG Siberian Husky, LST uppr A. i mo. new.

oa-tasi DOG LST. Poodle white, f. spad ed, 40 IPS, new. 64-4BU9 DOG Dobe blktan "Savage" 323, 90 IP. t30O Rew.

BZ6-64b DOG lost 45- Small, long-hair. wnue. ui-uiua DOG Germ. F. Hayes- Wahster Aft Rew.

621-0411 DOG, tanwm. snep. ivi. new. DOG, sm.

M. whtgray vie. Dia Hts. 48, Rew. 586-1215 HEAKING Aid lost.

"BelltoiW' vic. City Hall State Blag. Apr. 14. Kewara.

FLYING LADY MASCOT for 1936 Rolls Royce. KtwMKu. auestlons asked. Lost on Pacific Ave. 4-6-75.

563-7500 day or 3tfc-W. KNAPSACK fnd Beach 668-5351 night. 92Z-47M. RING Green lost vie. juu KaciflCrairmoni, oeni, yoiuo.

REW. no questions tsked. 344-8288 or call collect (213) 466-4161 Mr K. Younger WALLET, Lost outer Richmond, I.D., papers, money. Reward.

Fiscner7i WATCH lost 412, gold braclt. SO. SF- area, engraved K.L.L., 1-31-74. rew. 994-2543.

PUBLIC NOTICES 5:30 pm Wed. 4975 at Miracle Mile oy lama imukbci. rant San Rafael, Vega involving Police car, anyone who witnessed the above please call collect (415) 775-1314 30 PERSONALS COME see my etchings at Marina Greens 419 420, Noon. Ask for pierre tne Artist, SUSAN K. BENSON.


JUDE. TAF 31 BUSINESS NOTICES I- DIVORCE (Without an attorney) California Divorce Council Write or Phone (Play Plan) 2525 Van Ness, S.F. 441-5157 Mill Valley Office 383-0370 3101 Telegraph, Berk. 549-0404 Sunnyvale Office 408-733-8960 Free Pregnancy Test Women helping women. Birth controlabortion counseling.

Safe, inexpensive abortion care. Med referrals. 24 nr. Health Information Line. NATIONAL WOMEN'S HEALTH COALITION, S.F.

584-9286 ATTENTION COLLECTORS 4 INVESTORS. His Rnval Hiehness. Prince Asis Hasan Khan is selling his royal collection of priceless an-tique jewelry. For further in formation can nis Business manager at (714) 979-4754 or (714) 581-2306 anytime. QUICK DIVORCE Why wait over 6 mos.

to De divorced in Calif. De divorced in 3 days! Write; Dominican Divorce Service, 110 Sutter Sti No. 800. PH: 956-5171 Abortions Are Legal f415) 567-6100 Ext. 63.

24 hr. line Cosmetic Surgery Face-Eyes-Breasts-Scars Nose-Hair (415) 567-8758 24 hrs. ATTDArTIUir i arlioc MODEL HAIRCUTS for only $3,95. By appointment only, call 982-2800. Kenneth of London 150 Powell St.

S. F. nun nPTFr.TOR PHONE TAP DETECTOR Send self-addressed stamped envelope for info, to Sales Unlimited, 3005 Sacramento, No. 2. S.F., Ca.

94115 THINNING HAIR? Scientific breakthru in HAIR REPLACEMENT. 30 day money hark euarantef 34 hr. recorded inform. 391-1454 or 321-9748 Be Legally Married Adults living together. 0 BLOOD TESTS.

Minister secure 775J221ext205 TOO MANY BILLS? Payments too mgnr womea can or write to us for help. Just one place nav. CREDIT PLAN 604 Mission at 2nd St. 495-6800 PLAY CARDS CLUB ROYAL 187 El Camino Real. San Bruho BRING THIS AD FOR BONUS PLAY FACINATION An Exciting Game ot Skill Open Daily 12 Noon to lam 1027 Market, SF.

SELF-HYPNOSIS Or hypnotism. By expert Therapy with med. ref. Clement Free broch. 986-4883 HYPNOTISM Career, 6 course.

Last time in this incarnation. P. Clement 986-4883 SECURITY FREEDOM! From $46,990. 10 Down. SPY GLASS HILL CONDOMINIUMS in Marin County.

461-4485 AlCflHOL Personalized Hospital Care Santa Cruz Area 408-438-2090 ANGEL ISLAND from Berkeley or S.F., weekends and holidays. 398-1141 SILVER DOLLARS-Pay $4 iips Sil ver coins 150 up; silver oars Steve's, 330 Gougri 431-0694 TOUPEE TAPE. Send only $1 for 3 rolls to Jacques Franc. 210 Post, Room 1002, SF 94108 CHARTER YOUR OWN VESSEL up to 400 passengers, tor party, entert. 982-1600 TYPING Services-Medical-Legal- insu ranee Reports-Letters ine- sis.

No minimum. 863-azzg 6ALift66M BAfNClNS. CLasIT In Social Dancing. For info: HINTON-PICK SCHOOL 752-5658 BUSINESS CONSULTANT will analyze your financial statement for only 125. Call 781-B714 DO YOU NEED TO BUY SHAK-LEE'S products? 346-4221 PUBLISHED Author will revise ghostwrite, edit, type, 567-4562 INVENTIONS IDEAS WANTED Burlingame.

697-787 SELF-DIVORCE S2S-UO. EXPERT, ALL COUNTIES. (415) 673-3317 MARRJAGES anytime 525. Call 6-11 am, 707-525-0665 ANSWERING SERVICE ii Monthly 864-3000 People everywhere read the the Want Ad Phone 777-7777 to nlace vour ar STEINWAY Rosewood, 453-1 1-- 973. VOX Super Reverb Twin.

Exc conq. nop otr. g48-zi44ev SHURE A. amp. $230.

863-7273 FLUTE, EBONY $450Ofr. 668-9190 ACOUSTIC 470 $450. 574-0492 PIANO, baby grand, A-l 775-1158 YAM, organ YC30. $1000. 873-0207 NY Martin GRAND PIANO 588-3974 PIANO Uprt.

$2ft0. 468-3489 467-2052tf 4-; BABY GRAND, $100, People everywhere read the Want Ad Supermarket Phone 777-7777 fT1 NOW WRECKING ALASKA BUILD NG 310 Sansome Street, S.F. ALL BUILDING ITEMS FOR SALE First Come -first Choice C-J MarfaJa. OffKa Fartihorw, VanaWon Slina Cabinatt, Huoracam Flumbfng Fitla, 5l, uaoa UmcI Ptyaaaa) Owrt lighl FilturfH. Hundiaaaaf Charami OPEN EVERY DAY Sm Solaamaa Job la 4 IXCtPT SUNDAY Hurry Oont Delay Sal by CLEVELAND WRECKING CO.

4i L-.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.