Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)

f- at- V' V- v- 'X. II Hemet Hayward 831 Track aid Trailira 821 Motorcycles Seeeter T40 Caipor. Epsipnoit 1J Hmm Diklia 1 Hmm klmla 841 Mtkilt Htatt, Eqaip. 32 otorcycles Scooter 30 Nov. 1 9, 1 970 ALL new im MODELS NOW IN STOCK Kawasaki COLISEUM CYCLE Accessories Jnc.

Cam and see eer aew bee: ENDURO Mini Bikes Taco Bonanza Honda NOW TAKING XMAS LAYAWAYS $5 Holds any bike No ggyogf IN Fehroory FROM $97.50 UP Bankamertcard Mastercftarge Financing Available 1 Ktts. Engines, ictatches. carriers and parts Mew carrying Mini Bice Insurance CYCLE CENTER STORES 16570 I4tft San Leandro 276-9711 37427 Fremont Blvd. Fre SY 2-7311 37418 Fremont Blvd Fre SY 241U 2310 First St. Livermore 443-5111 NORTON COMMANDO 70.

700 ml. Leaving countreustl.3S73664 PAN HEAD WttOOO 581-9471 ROYAL Enf eld 8550. 837-3720 '6St clean rebuilt ROYAL ENFIELD 68, 9,000 ml. Iro-mac cond 8850 firm. 357-5238 SACHS 125CC.

1969, excl. conet, $375 of best offer. 638-8075 SPORTSTER 70. extended Bates, custom finish, pipes $1975 569-6557 SPORTSTER custom. 4 21.

$2000 firm, 232-4182 after 6. SPORTSTER 66. not running, needs work. $1000. 783-2989 SUZUKI Savaoe 2S0CC.

1969, setvo for drf 4 Enduro. Looks great runs perfect, 8590. 8244555. SUZUKI 66. X6 Sacrifice.

Best oHer Bet. 6 pm, Upm, John, 2S4-3241. SUZUKI 65. 250cc, low mi. $225.

4 to 357-8696. SUZUKI 200, '67. Clean. $250 or bes offer. After 6, $93-7460 SUZUKI '67 T200 Scrambler.

rpfv on HOP 776-4785 Good TRIUMPH 66 Bonneville 650. excel rand Best otter eves, 54590 Bonn. S-OOT mi TRIUMPH 70 50 51125. best otter. 9350817 YAMAHA 223-7334 9.

125 Endure. 300. YAMAHA '70, 80c G6S. like 250 ml. Street-dirt.

5290. 55-101. YAMAHA Enduro 49, 250, excel. cond. best offer, eves.

654-6590 FremonflYAMAHA 3SGR5. 6 mw ok). Exd cond. 5591 Very fast. 9352621 ASSUMPTION 3 bdrm 2 bath, ad elec, kit including dishwasher deluxe shag W-W carpets thruout.

Silken family room, fioor -ceiling froic Shake roof, dose to everything. $29,950 WOODREN REALTOR 11900 SHveroate Dr. Dublin 028-7101 OPEN EVES; S1-011l 5 BIG BEDROOMS 3 baths, specious fam. rm formal dining breakfast nook. Rear yard access.

Loads of concrete. Great area near country club, $33,950. VALLEY- 7988 Amador Valley Dublin 828-3200 Rltrs. 5815191 NO DOWN Loe. 3 2 bath, W-W carnets, new drapes, air conditioner family room, spotless condition, tots of mature trees.

Beautiful landscaping. WOODREN REALTORS 11900 Silveroate Dublin 835-7101 OPEN EVES. 58I-8I18 if Open Sunday 1 to 4 if 8609 BRIARWOOD LANE Assume FHA loan on this immaculate 3 bdrm 2 bath home with beautiful paneling, raised hearth frolc lots of extras $36500. VALLEY 7900 Amador VaMey Blvd. Dublin 828-3200 Rltrs.

581-5191 $3950 DOWN IMMACULATE 4 bdrm. 2 bath, gleaming Ige. lot. landscaping, frees, a real buy. 526,750.

SILVERGATE-POOL 2 story, huge massive hand hewn beams, sunken living room seo fam. rm. Formal dining, heated pool. Only $4200. GREAT ASSUMPTION Large 4 2 bath, formal din ing, large sep.

familv-room, carpet, drapes. Assume 6 pek VA $197 Mo Incl. taxes ins. Only $29950. Lange-Hilde Realtors 6900 Village Parkway Dublin 828-6900 14 Homes El Cerrito ALREADY APPRAISED! A low, low down payment gives you the deed on Ihts newly renovated 2 bedroom home.

Excellent view. $22,000 including wal Ho wall carpeting throughout. JUST LISTED! Perfect location! Excellent assumption; low interest, low payments. 2 bedrooms; electric built-in kitchen; 526,950 Including wall to wail carpeting. ALSO JUST LISTED! English styled Tudor, offered bv original owners.

Fantastic location near Colusa Circle. Spacious rooms; FulL dining room plus kitchen nook. Numerous extra features. Call now. JAMES REALTY 10470 San Pablo El Cerrito 525-7272 (EVES call Mr.

Torvik 525-1785 or Mr. Addlego 526-5746) 17 Hones Fremont- ASSUME Gl LOAN 3 2 bath, with near Shopping. Just listed, 521.500. Call Pat Morrell. Realtor.

278-5500 MISSION VALLEY $37,500 Hottest 4 BDRM. 2 BATH buy in town! Immac. 'Ventura Model' with ankle deeo W-W CARPETING, custom, drapes, STEP DOWN RUM-PJJS, elec bulltins, dishwasher, FORMALDIN I NG, Inside laundry. Transferred, owner. IDEAL AS-MIN DOW I SUMPTION FHA! GYGAX Realtor Ooen Eves.

38215 Fremont Blvd. Fremont 792-5116 538-5116 OWNER vacant everything goes. Furnished tncl. auto, washer, 16 cu. ft.

coooertone frostfree refrig. Newly Minted inside out, 3 bdrm 2 bath, built-lns carpets over hdwd. floors, drapes, close to showing, assume no aualifvinQ, 6 pet. FHA loan. $25,650 792-0393 REPOSSESSED HOMES $750-5950 dn.

No loan fees or points. Quick possession. 886-1511. Agent. NEWLY LISTED Expanded plan GLENMOOR beauty.

Oversize living room has a mce dining area and woks out on big parklike, sprinklered yard-room for a pool and access as well. Double oven electric kitchen, separate utili- room, 3 bedrooms, 2(5 baths, GYGAX REALTORS 4097 PERALTA BLVD FREMONT 797-1741 582-8118 transferred ASSUME LOAN 6 months old 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms Luxurious carpeting. Quality drapes ELECTRI'kiCTHEN' RUMPUS. Frenwnt. BoulwardNand Paseo Padre Parkway.

Key at FOPPOLI REALTY 632-3284 riiijLrw'Ln 18 Hones Heyward iii'VgiiVViriTuX(LM. Assume HI FHA loan, 3 bedroms, 2 bams, large rumpus, prime area. No qualifying. DUGGER RLTY 276-1286 351-3804 MOTHER LOVES YOU INDEEDSHEWILL when she sees mis cute 2 bdrm home with wall-wall carpets ft drapes ft only 1 blk 1. 22,500 WOODREN REALTORS 393 Jackson Hayward 886-7511; 357-8630.

Open Eves. PRESTIGE AREA Woodland Estates, 3 family partially enclosed patio view May trade for 2 to 4 units. Assume loan. Call Pat Morrell, Realtor, 278-5500 REAL ESTATE YAMAHA 67 305 Scrambler. Blue, 7,000 mt $400 firm.

278-2325. Eves. 2 -Wanted Motorcycle SPORTSTER GOODIES ket job. 452212 any bas- 831 Tricks aod Trailers CARRYALL '67, CHEVY, VI, Ufa Clean. 1100.

357-9375 CHEVY pickup. '50. 5 tires. Runs needs 3952. tw ply 75.

783- CHEV VAN '68 V-, standard transmission. Priced at 51795 (No. 101 HOPPER HAMMOND USED CARS Shattuck at Oregon 457404 CHEVY 68 Vi ton pickup, V- shortbed. 51650. 354670 custom CHEVY 53, Vi Toickuo, 4 sod.

good cond. 5275. 531-2981 eves. CHEVY 1962 Pickup, Vt with ft. cab over camper.

Buy'-them together and save. Both tor only 1695. COLLINS GMC 2165521571 Mission, Heyward 537-3151 CHEV, 59, Vi ton, motor itHt. $595, GMC, 8 ton, 795. 655301 CHEVY '66 Ion heavy duty, air.

auto. 327, V8, camper shell, many extras 52195 531-1530 CHEVY '51, 2 ton 495, 533-3315 after 6 m. CHEV. '3, I it. Fleetside V-t, 4 sod, clean.

5595. dir. 849-0441. Talk terms. M58621 CHEVY 51, ton pickup, good cond.

5250, 46-046 CHEVY '55. Vi ton. 450. 654-1936. CHEVY, '66 PICKUP $998.

Fleetside, radio, heater, split rims, rear step bumper, real dean. No. 15858. Call Bob Rubino only, 522-9221, Eves. 51-7703.

Dealer CHEVY '59 sedan delivery. eng, tires, body, 325. 276-0174 good CHEVY '56 V5 ton pickup, '57 Corvette engine, everything new, 575 firm 223-9406 CHEVY '65 pickup. 8' clean. 81200.

call 471-3824 bed. very CHEV '56 V8 PICKUP 3 speed, clean, and believe it or not only DECKER'S USED CARS 16230 14m, San Leandro, 278-7837 Open 9 1o 6 PM. Closed Sunday CHEV '66 van cot paneling ins FM tape 51150 837-3220 BUILD YOUR OWN VIEW, ihmey hdwd floors plus dote garage. No down Gl, tow FHA. Full Prira 21.950.

CUSTOM REALTORS $11-1777 Prettiest Kitchen In town I You'll have to sea the beautiful cabinets ft built Ins nils lovely 3 bedrm home. Wall-wall carnets, drapes. Huge oversized tot. Close to schools ft nark. Only 53150 to assume FHA loan.

Hurry on this one! Grove Way Rlty 21495 Mission. Hayward 351-5555 CASA EL DORADO Here is the super buy of the. week. Cute 2 bdrm home mat's lust waiting tor your Inspection mis weekend. WOODREN REALTORS 393 Jackson St.

Hayward 16-7511; 357-862. Open Eye. BY owner beautiful 2 bdrm a of home, washer, dryer, stove, refrig, swim, ming pool, 8 1 1 -w a 1 1 carpets, drapes, all Included. Assume loan, take over low monthly pavmts $134, see to appreciate. 278-1483 Friday aft 5.

all day Sat WE TAKE TRADES 522,950 Nice 2 bdrm. plus deg Hdwd floors, covered patio, Hilt-viewcrest area. Assume loan with pmnt of only 5170 per month. 522,880 San Lorenzo Quaint am. Large 3 older ft roomier home with formal dining room, hdwd floors ft nice frpl.

real buy for the money. Only 5800 cold war FHA, no down Gl or assume loan 522.980 Vacant by LoRav's Mkt. 2 blks from E. 14m St. A lewei of a 2 bdrm.

lust painted inside ft out It 5 Darkles! Low down FHA ft Gl terms. 523,000 Wow! Share as a nut large 3 2 bam, 2 car garage, huge natural rock lust listed. Low down FHA or Gl, excellent assumption. Pmnts only '5159 per month. Try 53500 down ft small second.

A real find! Allied Broker 878 E. Levelling Blvd Hayward 278-S216 DOR SANCHEZ 7831347 FHA (221 D2) 51100 total moves you into mis neat Ige 2 bdrm, hdwd floors, big dining area, side access for boat. Buy at FHA value. 521,500. Shamrock Rltrs EL 74243 (Anytime! DESPERATE Owner must sell 3 bdrm, 2 bam, 2 car garage plus hug rumpus room.

Asking $25,050 WHITLOCK REALTY 278-7525 $1000 TOTAL Including Closing Thats right, if you have 51000 we can find you a home to buy. 3 or 4 bdrms. Call for further Info. 24 HOUR SERVICE Delta Realtors 538-1834 CHABOT College Area 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Dbl garage-elec. kitchen, needs paint, but what a buy at only $24,500 WHITCOMB RLTRS 51-6507 TEA FOR TWO Or 3 or more Hi this darling 2 bedrm home.

Loads of panelling fireplace, other goodies oversized lot. Anxious--owner leaving aree. Will helo with dosing costs FHA or al terms. Unbetievaole at $19,500. GROVE WAY 21495 Mission 351-555 JUST LISTED Beautiful 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car farage, olus 13x20 rumpus room.

FHA terms. Aporaised 528,100, Great location. Hayward High ft Ah Saint's school dist SLEEPER No auallfying. Try $3500 cash. As-surne 6 pret.

FHA loan, monthly pmnts of only 5153. Nico 3 bdrm, huoe. hying room, den, workshop, BEN fillo'd Asklns t23950' Call Allied Brokers HJ1 582-42 15 Vis. 828 E. Lewelling, Hayward 52900 DOWN ASSUMES LOAN NO QUALIFYING Sharp 3 2 bam horn with good W-W carpets ft drapes, bnme-ttate possession.

Owner -egt. 278- ASSUME FHA 3 large bar-be-cue, dble. garage, fenced yard, frui' frees, 524,900, see anytime at MarttCL AIR REALTY. 483-4921 2 w-. 2 baths, fire-Ptoce.

caroet, drapes, extras. Shoo-Pink schools. 29,500. 785- 'tSih E. by.1tt,is lono-Jow, 3 bdrm.

2 path, family rm. with 30,500. 30235 Audubon St. 471-5293 sa -irvini-MVgwiA. 19 Hones Lafayette i nnrLf i DRAMATIC 14' HIGH ENTRY 'T! (fining, 4 bdrrik 2 bath, faml-ly rm.

landscaped Burton Valiev, nr Merriewood School. Last avail bie custom home on new cul-de-sac. Buy direct from builder ft save. Price reduoed to 546,950. Ooen Sat- Lafayette 837-3435.

BUfn arc1' Seclusion In this 3000 ft. bth vreci re vutfll OCTIf Mil Hme. Large ranch kft with frpic, 2 Vk acre. Own- 20 Homes Livermore re re nrmiuuL DESIRABLE SUNSET WEST Area yrn 4 to FHA loan on mis immac, Ige 3 bdrm featuring BBQ area. Anxious seller wards oh VAtlPF SM-A San Ramon Valley Blvd.

Danville Rltrs 837-8204 PpWN to ouallf. buyer. 3 bdrm. On treeJIne I for $23,500 upon Owner leaving state. 5to assumption 4432989.

-g-i-inruru-uyi, 23 Homee Newark WMtMU rvyrn-nj-u-LT BnTk.0V(rh!,mR 1 3. Mrm' 2 bath, 3 fTS? close for aPDOimn appoinWrtt, CLASH PHD DUPLAY Annual Percentage Rate' UC3 Ford 1970 2-Ton Pickup ogfitinal V4, 4-soed transm ts-Son, heavy duty soring. Town and Country fires on rear-soort custom oofton 7 oas tanks Coronado mirrors, radio heater, Barden bumoer Has 5,500 actual miles. 144346D). Sale Priced $2895 NEGHERBON LINCOLN-MERCURY, 2345 Broadway 893-7 FRANK TUCKER FOR DETAILS FORD, '65 ton truck, with '69 six pac camper.

Take over payments, 579 mo. 447-3697 FORD 1963 pickup, V-t, standard radio, heater, box, Barden rear bumper. 5799. (B56962). WOLF BUICK SAN LEANDRO 96 E.

14th St. 562-6653 FORD pickup '6 V-, automatic, looks I runs good. 5199 1U740M) Over 100 new Chevs in stock cochran celli Chevrolet 9rn Ave. a. 12m Oak 34-8934 FORD '55 ton pickup.

Chew 327, custom dash, shell camoer, good condition. 5600. 532-360 FpRO 'ii. 'j ton o-ckuo. good rand' 300 581-5986 FORD '63, 4 wtil.

drive. Utility body, SI 95, cond. 40-6794 FORD 661Y ton ptekuo. O' box, ex-tras. Mint cond.

553G634 FORD C-1100 Cabover tractor, sell or trade. 537-0663 538-2177 GMC 1960 4 kon camper special, VI, auto, aw cond. power eauipped, extra fuel tank. Low mileage. See appreciate.

(U932). COLLINS GMC 21560-21572 Mission, Hayward 537-3151 GMC 1962 Diesel tractor, 3 axle. cao-over, sleeper. (Y395971 COLLINS GMC 21659-21572 Mission, Hayward 537-3151 GMC 3, to ton pick up, 4 forward ood tires, eir compressor, 64 Jhevy pickup. cyl.

good cond Jeep. '61. Excl. cond New paint A tires. Reas.

532-116 aft. 4. 3MC '57 pickup, Vi. new Mint, good tires. Sharp.

525. 235-2137 GMC 1969 pickup with new cabover camper. Factory air, power steering, power brakes, radio, heater. Must see this beauty. (63148B) Dealer 261-2271.

Open week bites til 30 p.m. 1 GMC 1966, low mi. 8 T. good cond 1350. Phone 232-2090 GMC WHILE THEY LAST! NEW 'TOY, largest inventory complete model selection.

Huge counts save now! LEHMER'S OLDS-GMC-JEEPS Concord 605441 GMC 1957 Van, 16' runs well, good tires 5650 or make offer. 783-5030 INTERNATIONAL 2V5 ton. 3-8 In. steal beds sides, 5 staid box, 2 sod. axle, very clean, otter Call be-tween 8 a 233-6011 INTERNAT'L '56: 2-ton gravel dumo.

Senes 160, runs good, dump works well, decent bres. 5750-best offer, must sell. 2769 Fruitvale. INTERNATIONAL 1956-, 1 ft. flatbed, new metor, exd.

hres bed 5600. 526-5160 INTERNATIONAL 24' van. 1964, tail pate lift. 51950. 657-7899 INTERNATIONAL, '59, Metromite van rblt head 1 spacious, ideal for camper.

5350 cash. 223-5917 LEASE Brand New 1971 FI 00 Long Wheel Base Style Side Pickup $60.99 per mo. Ask ter Mr. Roy or Mr. Mel Morris Landy Ford MS Perk St.

Alameda 523-2745 METRO VAN '5 new rrflne, brakes, water fuel oumo. Wiring, perfect mech. cond 2 double beds, raroefS windows 9372S62 RANCH ERO 67, air, pwr. auto, 390, $1200, 793-9819 steer. RANCHERO '63, $695, 471-8016 cfean, good cond RANCHERO '70 radio pwr str.

Speed standard. $2575, 658-1208 Trailers 21 26 ft, $450 up. BEZZER1DES CO, 689-1407 TOW TRUCK '52 Ford, good cond $650, 638-5028 or 7409 Hillmont Dr. TRUCK SALE! 1967 Chevrolet -Ton Pickup. Long body, 4-soeed.

(Q22122). Most Dealers Ask $1995 SALE $995 Many Other Trucks ('52-70) On Sale Gavello Ford 4225 Broadway 60 RENAULT Moving Van, exd motor $150. 534-6176 67 14 ALUM. Van, Todco rear dr. Elec hvd.

lift-gate. Perfect cond. No chassis. (Can separate) Gregory Body Co 635-7171 SHIP YOUR CAR BY RAIL! Auto-Trans. 362-1312 ext.

22278 840 Campers, Equipment A NEW ARRIVAL 9 ft. fully self contained 8 ft. fully eauipped from 555 up ALAMEDA CAMPER SALES, 2329 Eagle. Ala. 523-7665.

if A TRAVELEZE SALE "Going out of Camper" SALE COST -f FREIGHT 8h te 11 ft. Only "5" LEFT NOHR'S TRAILERS 582-5654, 4714464, 569-6941 34844 Alvarado-NHes Rd Union City AFRAID to buy? Rent my 11' self-contained on '69 Chev. LA 4-5123. ARISTOCRAT-CAMPERS STANDARD er SELF-CONTAINED 8 to 11 ft with or without truck. STUTLER TRAILER SALES 10245 San Pablo.


351-2710 BUS, '47 Mack, flat faced, 8x35 ft. converted to fully eauipoed motor home. 31500 S36-1628 before p.m. CAL'S CAMPER SALES Oldest Camper lot in N. Calif.

WESTWAYS rctoy authorized sale on alt deluxe 1970 models MONACO The latest setf-contained campers SIX-PAK cabewer, sleeps 4. only 5795 CUSTOM CANOPIES FROM S2 CAL'S CAMPER SALES 14530 E. I4fh St. San Leandro 351-0366 357-4961 CAMPER JACKS. Hon.

233-9792 Excellent condi- OIMPER, livy, stoeos 6, on 74 ton GMC-motor rblt. 51695. 653-8301 CHEVY 70 with 11VY Pilgrim, both fully equipped. 655-6560 CHEV '66 96 picVud, 327, 4 bbi. carb 4 sod.

31.200 ml, custom a -ch one, tinted glass, pwr. steer, brks, no spin rearend, dual mufflers, 8 ply tires, Incl Californian camoer '6. $2,995. 351-2961 aft-er 4 M. EL DORADO -camoer, 8', completely eouipt, exd cond 5400, 581-1569 El Dorado -WS IL fullv Self-Centained- only $1998 See Mr.

Ed Rlcchinl or Norm De Vucca or Pete Paulsen over 20 Cemoers In Stock F. H. Dailey Metor Co. Oakland's Oldest Auto Dealer" Plus freight tax ft Lie 4117 E. 14th St.

FORD loddr WY lacks 6SMS61. en Oil tfomia camoer, Vcrnted' eouiooed 30 3. lor winter camping. 522- Grand Opening Of our new Sales-Servicg tadliti with a complete repair shop camper supply store. PILGRIM "XTF" CAMPERS ir Fetdra Motor Name Ittt, nn, 25 It if Cardinal Trayel Trailers if TONY FARR MTRS CAMPERS 28168 Mission, Hayward 530-3030 LATE VW 69 Camper bus, red, 251 000 mi.

excl. cond. ooo too, tem, new tires. 533-6067, 037-0354 eves. MOTOR HOME TRUCK CAMPER CLEARANCE SALE OF RENTAL UNITS Vt self contained motorhome 1970 model 518 11' front kitchen, deeps 1970 Ford 11 ton i4398 WHILE THEY LAST I EL CERRITO TRAVEL CENTER "CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST" 11909 San pablo Avenue EL CERRITO 524-Ml COLLECT Rent Before You Buy MOTOR HOMES-CAMPERS.

VAN CAMPERS SPECIAL WEEK END RATES NOW IN EFFECT "CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST" EL CERRITO TRAVEL CENTER 1198 San Pablo. El Cerrito 232-739 CALL COLLECT SPECIAL SHOW PRICES AT OUR INSIDE SHOWROOM CAVEMAN-VACATIONEER SIESTA-NOMAD CHUCK'S CAMPER SALES Camoers-TraitervParts-Service 12605 San Pablo. Rich. 233-9478 TAKE over 10 acres, suitable tor camper, no down, 525 a 140 pmts, annual percentage rate 7 percent, cash price, 52.500. Near town and 'lake.

Agent, (415) 697-1693 TEARDROP Fi', 6 sleeper, butane retrio AIkk-oo unloader. Exc. cond. 5995. 521-5314.

VW '67 camper, fully reblt. exd. cond. 536-7868. VW '6 camper, new engine, stereo.

yery cean. TFS 98 $1995. ALCORN MOTORS, 447-5514 '68 Chevrolet Ttjn P.U. with 1Vi ft. El Dorado-tamper No eouitv.

Need reliable oartv to make monthly pmts. of $99. Campertown 2565 Mission Hayward 58 1 -5442 357-89 1 6 '69 Ford Ranger F-250 Loaded with extras with 4 Star Camper 150 eouitv. Need reliable party to make 133 Monthly pmts. Campertown 25656 Mission Hayward 581-5442- 357-8916 841 Mobllt Hones, Eqaip.

A SHOPPERS PARADISE EL CERRITO (EAST BAY) FEATURING Newport rieetwnod. Lancers A REAL BUY! CLOSE OUT ON ALL 71 24 WIDE NEWPORT JUST 2 LEFT Spaces available in Hayward, Livermore. Phone us tor information on brand new 5 star mobile home park Hayward area. Also have Plot Plan A Rental information on new Union Otv 5 Star Park. Select your space order your Home.

NOWUI DAN'S TRAILER SALES 11020 San Pablo Avenue EL CERRITO 525-273 BROADMORE '66 20x57, 2 bdrm, lVi bth, custom living room drapes, starting A awnings. New 9X40 patio awning. 9750. 45053 CLOSE OUT on all 2P models during mo of Now. Over 20 models, to choose from.

Park spaces available. See these displayed at Newell's Sales Lots, Vatleio or Napa. (707) 691-0780 17071 Drastic Action 24x52 TbecLhouse utility room, huge pantry, 2 beautiful baths, carpeted living room and master bedroom. S-2666. Reduced $1000 NOW $8995 GAH MOBILE HOME SALES 525 Monument Blvd.

Concord 687-994) HAYWARD Mobile Home Sales Featuring Westerner Sierra Lance. Broadmore. Commodore 12-20 24 ft. wide. 25375 Mission Blvd.

Hayward 537-7222 OPEN EVENINGS UNIVERSAL 20x55 in beautiful park incl. many extras, $14,500, bv at pointment 782-6466 782-5281 VIKING (GOLD SEAL) See the Vlkino Edoewood Scandla and all new Brentwood on display on our lot. BAY AREA MOBILE HOMES East El Sunnyvale 408246121 Lease a mobile HOME ALL SIZES, 12, 21 2 Wide Special 20 40, 2 bdrm, 2 bibs. 12 60, 2 BDRmT WITH FURNI TURE 4695 TRAILER CITY SALES 2991 N. Mam Walnut Creek 939-8622 LOOK 24x60 Custom hardwood oaneJina shag carpeting dishwasher bage dtsoosal, double oven.

unrt has 5 Dace in beautiful park or can be relocated. 1 only at this cost Atso near new- custom 12x60r balcony kitchen deluxe shag caroetmg hutch large oantry etc. Also ir adutt park or can be relocated $5995. See Thompson Mobile Homes for Information on above units. Monument BlvtL, Concord 689-2993 adult SPECIAL CLEARANCE All 1970 models double triple snides.

From S889S. Soaces AVAILABLE for all sizes In new parks in Fremont, Hayward San Leandro. See models at Eden Mobile Home Sales 24245 Hesperian Blvd Hayward 7825560 Worth The Drive To Save NEW 2 BEDROOM 12 WIDE $4888 Carpets, drapes ft park space guaranteed. 'FOREMOST' MOBILE HOMES 3107 Monterey SAN JOSE Have Something to Sell Fast? GO TRIBUNE SHOPPING CENTER DiAfDIRECT your nearest Tribune office Serving The Entire Eastbay 16 19 849 15, 1 On EAST Only 1954 Redwing; 0x3S toe t. offer.

783-1624 eves, only best cash Hist Sp.c Are You Ready For Tlw Valley of the Moon? PUEBLO SERENA Write tor free Information 951- Fifth Street West Sonoma. (707) 996-9384 DALIS GARDENS OPENING SOON IN CONCORD, The mottle. home club you have waited to! 'Beautiful, exciting Jw? Breen belts For adults. 6m4iix EDEN GARDENS ESTATES SECTION ll WILL BE OPEN In VVeek MOBILE HOMES a' Information available from Eden Mobile Home Sales 24245 Hesperian Blvd, Heyward 782 5560 MRSH CREEK Mobile Home Park. Entoy Country living.

Adult and Family sections. School bus for ehil-" Bents S6IM72 mo. Conco Area. 689-4774 STAR PARK welcome CRESTVIEW. East of Concord 6874)70 OWN YOUR OWN LOT Valle Vista Ftost Mobile Subdivision Write tor fre information 225 Brittain Lane Santa Rosa, (707) 542-251 SPANISH RANCH Hayward's new Sotar, :1 adult park now accepting reservations for I vember opening.

Cell Mr. Cosby 783-5515 No- 344TrivBl Trailers ARISTOCRAT-SECURITY best deal see MOSURE'S travel center J7C5 JCJ rker Pass, Concord 689-3232 ARISTOCRAT, TRAVELEZE TERRY fTUTLER BROS. TRAILER SALES 15301 E. Mm, San Leandro, 3512710 ARISTOCRAT-TERRY TRAVELEZE STUTTER'S TRAILER SALES 10245 San PaWo Avj. 51 Cerrito AIRSTREAM KOMFORT KEN CRAFT -GOLDEN NUGGET" 4 GREAT LINES OF TRAVEL T.RAILERS to 35', plus tioout rooms "CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST" EL CERRITO TRAVEL CENTER AIRSTREAM 1971 Models Now On Display FEATURING Complete Alrstream Servlet Center Wally Byam Accessories All your Alrstream needs" Several used units available 22 FT.

THRU 3 FT At Nelson's trailer Sales 28091 Mission, Hayward 52-9433 Aljo-Santa Fe-Prowler OUALITY PLUS LOW PRICES TEILBORG TRAILER SALES 15910 E. 14th San Leandro EL 1-542S A Black Bart Premier 1971 EXCEL 20 seH. cent. 4 wheel brakes, bathtub, auta regulator, Alaska-pak insulation. LIST $3950 NOW $3399 BLACKBART RECREATION VEH.

1305 Galindo, Concord. 689-4949 Boles Aero New Used 31 ft. Sett cont. 1971 Krnskills, 5 pet. above cost.

MARLINS, 381 Arthur, Martinet. CASTAWAY DeVILLE FIREBALL SALES A RENTALS 15772 Hesperian San Lorenzo 2762400 LOOK Santa Fe Trailers 1971 MODELS ON DISPLAY All new floor plans feature Sales Rentals Ins. JONES TRAILER SALES 820 Monument Blvd. Concord 689-3177 TBf bunk beds, dean, 250, 538-7428 1971 Nomads Prowler Terry Automate ON DISPLAY NOW! 4 1970 MODELS at discount Used $695 S99S 197 SHASTA 21 ft Trailer City Sales 299 N. Main Walnut Creek 939-8622 1967 Field Stream, 6.

5800. 376-7553 I5i sleeps FT. TRAILER, Prowler, 67, new. Best offer 235-1090 Like SCOTCHMAN 68. 15 ft Real clean! Sac.95.

8490441 dir. Evenings 844 Wanted Travel Trailers -NEEDED- Used travel trailers Consign or spot cash All sizes We have many buyers "California's Largest" El Cer- COLLECT1 845 Motor Homes DESTERJTCOST! ONE (1) ONLY TRAVETTE Motor ll font air-cond. BLACK BART RECREATION VEH. 1305 Galindo 689-4949 CHINOOK, '69 Motor Home for sale Loaded with extras. 237-3345.

INTRODUCING THE ALL NEW 27' AVCO G5 Lwtoe) MOTOR EXCLUSIVE AREA SHWOING HO WSUITE IT ISI LANDMARK 575 MONUMENT CORD i 689-2630 OPEN SUNDAY MOBILUX ISLANDER And MEL-MAR Motor Homes Latest Madels Now Oo Display See us at Coliseum Show NOVEMBER 13 THRU 22 "FOR SPECIAL BONUS At Nelson's Trailer Sales 28001 Mission, Hayward 582-9433 WINNEBAGO SALES RENTALS SERVICE ROLLING HOMES 2060 Pedwood Hwy. Greenbrae. Calif 926365 NEW EAST BAY LOCATION: 2348 Contra Costa Blvd. Pleasant Hill. Calif.

689-1660. NEWPORT, new, many extras, fort V8 powered. Save over 500. 685-3808, Morn or Eves. Travel Trailer Rentals BEAUTIFUL Vacation trailers 13 16 ft.

45 wk. ft up. 537-2870 W98hLAain, Watoufcrrelt Hones Alansda ASSUME Gl' mis 3 bedroom corner home, central heat, coverd patio, barbecue. Low Interest Gl loan. DEADRICH REALTORS, 581 East 14th SL.

San Leandro 632-1234. end 2 bedroom stucco bungalow newly decorated Inside and 0528,500. JUSTIN REALTY LOVELY Older 2 story home by owner. Excellent Alameda location, 523-5863 or 522-3157. OPEN SAT ft SUN.

1-5 VICTORIAN MANSION Plus 2 story brown shingle 2225 PACIFIC R4 lot, 75x150. 544,000 BROKER: RUBAY. 332-4740 BDRM. home, plus InJaw apt. $20500.

Eves. 5234)424 SOUTH SHORE REALTY. 523-9656 in ML 13 mo. 4 nice of Side TOWNHOUSES- CONDOMINIUMS Exciting, waterfront livlne on Bay! Deep-water channels ft private boat Pock. Baliena Bay ft Yacht Harbor Nothing comparable at ANY price I Attractive financing Furnished town house modei open daily.

From 41.500. 521-7696 2 Him Alia HISTORICAL MAY BECK SHOWH PLACE! On pctureQue Country lane. 3 story Tower. Glassed In Veranda. 4D ft.

Terrace with Massive pi liars. Old English Pub Kitchen. Rich wood wainscoting throughout. 29X14 living room. Anfioue oval pedestal basins in oversize bathroom.

Ornate wood moldings on high ceinngs of formal dining room. Library entry hall. Just listed and it won't last -at $57500. HURRY Call 2540500. HAAAMOND REALTY $5 Moraga Way Orinda OWNER DESPERATE IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Of this ranch beauty, dining plus a largt modern kitchen with spacious cheerful breakfast area, 2 pleasant baths wonderful patio, large halt acre lot with family orchard.

A stoat-only 32,950 LEE 6RABEL CO. 3206 Danville Blvd. Alamo (37-7286 day or night Halts Birkslsj 2 3 BEDROOM HOMES In Immaculate Condition! Inquire about one In the area of your choice. "FHA" sells Its properties without discrimination. Elijah Williams Realty, 534-9931 Hants Bethel Island WATERFRONT property 50 ft.

dock space fantastic view of waterways boats swim fish or relax on large sundeck carpeted 3 bdrm TY bath modem air cond. home. $4WWt A BEST BUY LANDANA REALTY CONtORD 635-686 OFC 64-2230 RES. Hteas Castrs Valley BREATHTAKING VIEW Large 3 BEDROOM. 2 bath, family room, extra large rumous ''woman styled" krtchep.

Beautifully landscaped with sun deck. BBQ, automatic sprmklers. Prime central location. $42,750. 537-4314 3587 Castro Valley Blvd Ada ms Adams REALTORS, 21 Years Experience BY Owner, single level.

3 bath, 2 car garage, carpets, drapes, assume Tto orct. loan. 32.900, 5149 Crane Ave. 537-3894 OPEN SUNDAY ONLY 1-5 3694 QUAIL AVE. Outdoor living.

Lots ot storage, heated garage, room for boat ft trailer, circle, driveway, comer tot. 7 2 'h bath. Close to shopping ft transportation. BELLINGER REALTY 538-2131 357-0283 BY OWNER 3 bdrm. 2 baths, tarn rm.

all etec kit. with dshwr. wall-wall carpets, drapes, covered patio. 531.500 conventional. 5370555" MUST SELLI Large 3 bdrm Th bath with Rum-Jus ft View ot the Valley.

Elec kitch 2 car garage. Illness forces sale. Call for soecial terms WOODREN 582-8800 RLTRS 3577223 NG. CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST Heme Specialists NEW HOMES 3-4 bedrms, view lots $32500. Bidr 537-6125 5815402 OPEN 2-5 BY OWNER bdrms 2 baths near bus, school Church dean 3230 Lenard Drive.

READY TO MOVE! Sharp 3 bdrm 2 bath family room all on one level. Elec kitchen W-W carpets, dose to trans A shops. $28,950 WOODREN 582-880 RLTRS 257-7223 NO CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST Home Specialists Try $24,000 Uooer Valley 3 bedroom 2 bath, little dirty, out of state seller motivated, Write your deal. WHITCOMB RLTS 581-6507 UPPER VALLEY NEAR SEVEN HILLS ft CHABOT Soactous 4 bdrm. 3 bath, 2 car garage, huge 16x30 rumous with fiulc.

FHA appraised ft asking $34,300. SrilHtixtoumav help wtth cl os- Allied Brokers Uovd Nunley, Realtor 278-5218 WOW! ONLY $30,650 Spacious 3 bdrm, 2 bath home In Upper Valley off Lake Chabot Rd. All elec, nice view from living rm, comer frolc, separate laundry rm ft oversized garage. Move In for Thanksgiving Dinner. Already appraised, owner anxious.

RED CARPET REALTORS 582-6722 Eve. 581-3738 544 Betten Way, 22109; cor. Grave 3 bdrms, 2 baths, built-ms, carpeted. Large lot. Only 5900 cash assume FHA 1st of approx.

19,000 payable 14 mo. incl. taxes ft ins. 444-6311 10 Homes Concord NEGLECTED Big countrified setting. Huge forest sized trees.

Unlaue brick entertain-ment lanai with fire pit. The home, of more than ample proportions, needs-arTamltmiltfi-nergy and ambition to return it to its former showpiece splendor. Spacious gold carpeted living room. Electric kitchen. 'Large family room with fireplace and view of garden 4 more than ample 2 baths.

Area of homes costing thoussands more. FHA-GI terms. Fantastic 30,950. BOB DAVIS REALTOR 889-5008 2465 Salvlo SL. Concord BY OWNER.

Spacious 4 bdrm, 2 ri bth, fam, frpic, carpet, elec, kit, utility 1-3 acre, oral ess. landscaped with fountain. 42500. 682-3458 eves for appt. 12 Homes Daeville --GREAT BUY Only $48,500 for this 4 bdrm.

3 bath home with 2400 so. ft. in Popular Greenbrook area. Swimming-tennis dub. Seller transferred make offer.

Exclusive Montair Area Custom 4 bdrm separate Quarters for m)aws or office plus 16x46 swimming pool situated acres. Wooded with sweeping privacy. $89500. VALLEY 583-A San Ramen Valiev Blvd. Danville Rltrs 837-8204 DANVILLE HIGHLANDS PREVIEW Ten new homes under construction.

Model ooen soon. Three bedrooms, two baths 2006 sa ft. $43,000. Four bedrooms, two and a half baths 2226 so. ft.

$46,000. Inspect now and have the lot of your choice Plans office so call -soon. PERFECTION PLUS Four bedroom, 2'5 bam, year old beauty. Air conditoned, custom double drapes, lush shag carpeting, decorator wall paper. Electric eve door, three car finished garage, sprinklers front and rear.

View ot Diablo from mis prime area, to acre professionally landscaped tot. Proudly offered at $77,000. GELDERAAANN REALTORS 600 San Ramon Valley Blvd. Danville, 837-4242; evenings 837-7151 mrriiirrvvuvvi. Homes Dahlia IliecTBrokers $3500 Assume 6 pret Gl loan at 5226 per total.

Big executive ranch style I bam 2 car garage with rumous room. Plush VV-W carpeting ft drapes. Built-In kitchen, excel cond. Inside ft out. Lots brick work.

Covered patio ft nice BBQ. Landscaped to perfection. i Ask for Jim Ward 846-8116 122 Aetleia, Classic atf Cestom Can DUNE buy. VW tfanih Corvehr Atur i p.m. 46581.

DUNE-Street Buggy 66 VW 1300CC, rdx, toe. bucket scats, dinme wheels, etc. 1700. Cost Wo labor. Sacrifice Jim 4537ATJ) WOLE BUICK SAN LEANDRO 4196 E.

14th St. 520453) DUNE Buggy blue mefalflake new 50 H.P. eng, an svnero, barrel rims, g.dded row bar, a UPhoWered, chroma accessories, must sac Can 381-8265 or 274-2367 tap. EDSEL '51 Citation, 4 Or. built mechanically, body 4 very pood HOO.

525-05)2 'into: FIRE ENGINE. 1914 body on 1939 GMC chassis. oartlaliy restored. runs good, S27S. 24-4710 FORD 55 Custom cab, mint custom best otter, 237-8254 FORD 50, 4 dr a radio, ewer-dm sunvieor, continental tire M-.

on. body 4 Int. EmL Trade tor boat or dr. SgM2B0. FORD 'SI fiat-head VS, 3 new tires.

best Otter, 793-3614 FORD 3 to, loaded 390, 4 sod Goodyear. S0Q0 or otter. 357-9087 FORD 194 coupe. new mwrhaul on Bukdc eng. Naugahvde uphol.

many extra. Will negotiate. 865W7. MG-TB 7939. Rare-only 350 built.

Looks good, nine well. Suitable ev-, ervdav use as Is or restoration. 1550 Arm. Also have TO Mart It, Y-A. Y-T, J-2.

935-2427 days. 934- MUSTANG 1970 Bon 302. Shelby headers, Webber clutch, Malory ignition, 411 oosl, after 5 454-3642 NOMAO '57, new EVERYTHING. best otto over 1 ,000. S22-8t89.

NOMAD 57, must sell Immediately. 357-1345 NOMAD 57, factory air, pow steer. brakes, extras 65-730 OLDS Cutlass '64. 2 dr. hdlp.

bucket seals, slight front end damage, 1255. or otter. 569-6557. 533-544 PACKARD. S5 400, 2 door hdto, aM pm.

OvwomaNc trans. needs ith- nor work. 84)0 firm. 223-S67C ROLLS ROYCE-Bentlev 1957. Reasonable 653-5634 or 981-3680 ext.

14 SUPER Modified tires, asking $950. C2-8009 new eng. good SHELBY 6T 500 67. 421. Hi-nse.

two-4s 4 soeed, fairly new- Mint lob. $1700. 535-1545 T-8IRD 1956 CLAS5IC ORIGINAL SHARP A power auto, (0L0312) $1 995-Offer PAYLESS AUTO SALES 25962 Mission. Hayward 537-2100 T-BIRD '57. excot I.

nt condition. phone 73-3761 T-BIRD '67, 1 speed, O.D., both lops. clean, 1457. 52-3451; eves. 992 HEMI with A.F.B In a S7 Chrysler.

Hear It run. offer. 935157. 125 Aat Parts, Accessories AIR CONDITIONER, Scars, 510 or otto. 41571 MA7043.

AMERICAN Mags (4) for Ford Plymouth. 75 otter. 53F3634. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS. Chev.

powtrglld e. cast Iron S74J0; Chav, aluminum 5104.50 guaranteed. AN other make- a low priced. 451-2433. Plr.

tHEVY ENGINE 1965. perfect randi-tlon, running. 200. 351002 CHROME wheels Dir. MS-7954.

any sue. Cheap. CORVETTE fuel Inlectlon; A '1 3) sod, transm. 36-934; 522-013 CUSTOM VELVET Automotive finish. Looks like velvet, 50 colors.

VELTONE ENTERPRISE, 434573 DO-IT YOURSELF Motor Rebuild Short Block. Closeouts '65 '66 Lincoln; 351 Chew; 327 Chevy; 292 Chew; 23 Chevy; 36 VW; 40 VW, Also 3 2s A 3 til manifolds for many of the late model cars HUBBARD AUTO PARTS 32-3020 2522 Grove Street MECHANIC'S SPECIAL. Ply. Valiant '62. wrecked body, motor good, 135 or best otter, 582-722 OLDS motor, isky, eddlebrock, we-ber balanced, adapter to Chew 256797 after 6-30 RENAULT 64 parts engine, transaxle, whls, etc.

93529 TIRES, set of 4. G-70X14. Goodyear Polyglass, white letters, 1610, other sues comoarablv priced. 533-117. dealer.

TRUCK eauipment, snow chains, 10x22, single A doubles, unused A used. Terns, header boards, mac 793-2780 VOWN A Country Wagon. '6. 2800ft TJi Mont end A paint. 1235, 447-2009, Livermore.

UNUSED too-driving high Twit by Milter LTD. o( power ot Eng. Quart Iodide 12V. New red. Shane Mount anywhere.

Switches, nct. Best offer over 15 ea. 451-1007. VW mags A tires, never used. Stone Indy Tires.

49-0467 Fire- 'exfTaSjr exhausl. 5250. and ex 40 ho. fresh air, lust rblt xhai change. 525-9214 VW engine, '61 Runs well.

5225 orl beet oner. 453852 VW endue '65; 200 ml. since rebit. best offer. 5351274 eves.

WRECKING Mike Chevy 1960 581-7882 Pickup. XMAS SPECIAL SALE Tachamatart, speedometer gauge. All best name brands. SPEEDOMETER SERVICE CO. 2424 Broadway, Oakland, 452-3718 4-Speed Transmissions Be W.

Mundg-Saginaw reblt or used. 534-3617 Dir. 396 425 ha. Chevy eng. alt new parts, complete, Borg Warner, a spd, with linkage, 471-9098 4 Speed cie-sai Transmissions W.

MUN--SAGINAW rebuilt or used, 451-2433 283, with 3 sod. trans comol. 8325, 4 88 comol. oosi rear end $175 635-2418 from 12 3 pm, 64 Plymouth motor for sale, good condition. Call 532-5771 $100 125 Aati Parts, Accessories Waited WANTED GMC or Chev.

Van body only. '7 thru 9. 7852121 127 Aata Repair COMPLETE TRANSMISSION REPAIRS American 8 Foreton. 451 2433 WE "BEEF-UP" TRANSMISSIONS 451-2433 121 Motorcycles Scooters BSA '9 Vlclur, 441 CC. 1,500 ml.

5650, extras, 582-1473 BSA '7, custom hardteil, chopped chromed, racked. Far out. Best offer. S344863 BSA Vidor '67; 441cc, lights, lie. 5441.

Phong 447-0202 BSA '69, 2S0cc, less then 1000 miles must selileavlng state 550. 532-6142 BULTACO Pursang '69. priced for quick sale. Exd. cond.

2350954 FREMONT YAMAHA All Enduro's All Street Bikes In Stock All Husky MCs in Stock CHECK OUR PRICE On the 90cc Enduro AUTOMOTIVE Norton Means Motorcycle 750cc tornado RATED BEST SUPER BIKE PLUS Worlds Fastest Prodsction Racer Os Safe Display 7 Days Nit2s Richmond British 11120 Sat PiMg Awn QCE2XIT0 527-1323 Item a ml. Sat. 5425 76520 37418 2310 MAICO tank, exd. MINI WHEN of CHEV. '68, Vi Ton Pickup.

4 speed, power steering, radio. ft. bed. heavy duty rims, wrap around rear bumper west Coast side mirrors, 2 tone white -too. red body only 3X.000 actual miles.

In mint condition. One owner 1st time adver- Used. Hurry! 52075. (045994). Hay.

838 Alta TrilSDOrtltlOl ward Datsun 2154 Mission. 537-79e8 1 WANTED GMC or Chev. Van, thru '69. 785-2121 anytime. Still Nave good selection of new 1970 models In stock at substantial saving BANK TERMS 3958 East 14th St.

Oakland 534-5461 ACT NOW If you think the sale prices you've seen or heard are fantastic, bring this whole pagt Into HONDA BERKELEY We can beat the4r Sunday deals env day of the week. Tues.Sat. 9.30 to 5.34 TRY IT! 1605 San Pablo Berk. 37423 Fremont Blvd. Phone.

793-2368 FRYS CYCLE WRECK Jew location: 5115 East tfh S. Big Savings on used part A reoalrs 533-4911. GO-KARTS GO-KARTS Will buy all Kart Tire Casings 299 Hayward 581-4250 HARLEY 1964, 3 wheeler, 1525 or best offer. 537-9496 HARLEY 1959, full dress, lust over-hauled. 5700.

562-4669. 4A m. HARLEV. Excellent. 1.000 or best otter John Games.

650777. 444-2015 HARLEY Davidson Sportster '69, 3000 springer. 75A2929 HRLET Davidson JX Knucklehead, cnoooed. tots of offer. 783-1115 chrome, $1100 or HARLEY Soortster, like new, must sell 537-0663 538-2177 HARLEY Sportster Tfc much chrome, ftp excellent cond.

Extras. Must sefl. $1875. 682-2B80 HONDA 1970, 7851686 350, exd. cond $550, HONDA 70, CB met, $650 or offer.

3000 me. hel- HONDA '70, 175, new only 450 ml, 5550. Call 46-173 Pleasanton. HONDA '70, SL 350 motor sport. Good condition.

Must sell. 284-9062 HONDA 6 450, good condition, 450, 782-6297, 7859660 HONDA Mini Bikes Mini Trails From $189 $5 Holds 'til Xmas NO PAYMENT TIL FEBRUARY WE DELIVER NO CHARGE CAN FINANCE Cycle Center Stores 16520 E. 14th. San Laandrg 276-9211 37422 Fremont Fra. SY 3-7311 HONDA '69.

350CU low mil exd. cond. 550. 357-9417. 51-1531 eves.

HONDA 196. CL3S0 Scrambler, 4.600 ml. 475. Great cond. 93-4194 HONDA '6ft CB35ft cond.

5495. 351-8972' low mil. exd. HONDA Kawasaki SUZUKI Bultaco HODAKA All models in stock Immediate Delivery Ne Down payment on approval ef credit BANKAMERICARD MASTERCHARGE 2 locations to serve you Store No. 1 Powell's Alameda Honda 1 828, Park Alameda 521-616 Powel Oakland Suzuki 3700 E.

12th Oakland 533-7586 HONDA 197 Mlnrtratf 50mke new rand. 8 wks. old, 538514 HONDA, CB-160. street or dirt; ex tras: 5200 339-1630 HONDA- FALL SALE! ALL MODELS IN STOCK ui Stock: NELSON BROS. 4500 E.

3th, Oak. 532 2677 HONDA parts, 350 Idt, Amal carbs. cams, trans, more. 531-7939 HONDA 160 Scrambler, '67, 3000 ac-hial ml. like new 5325.

521-1073. HONDA 70 XL 350, custom paint, chrome pipes, 2600 miles, excel, condition. 5695, 935-1990 HONDA 70, 350 Scrambler, with rack. Great rand. 625.

465-2830, HONDA 1970 Vi 450, fully choooed. very dean, only 2000 ml. 1300 or best otter; must sell. "Andy" p.m. 32-6824 HONDA 305, 6" extentlon, T-bars.

tank extras. 400. 471-4028 HONDA '66, 150CC, good 5200 ofr. 522-3489 evenings. cond HONDA 1969, CL 450, 5600.

Also '66 Hondo 305. 5250. HONDA '68, 350, exd. cond. 8475.

2226 Dwight Wav. Berkeley HONDA 70 CB350 K2, $575. 235-1674 HONDA CB750, 51300, 654-1017 '70 gold, low mi. HONDA '6. 350 CC.

Phone 165-4746 after 5 pm. HONDA 50 Mini Trail cellent condition. 351-2579 69, Ex HONDA 450, 1970 5 excl. cond never been dropped, very dean, low must sell 5695. 527-2J0I.

INDOOR MOTORCYCLE RACES. nite 8 p.m. San Jose County Fairgrounds. 406-295-3050. KAWASAKI 9, fully loaded, street gear included.

$250. 562-4520 (LAW- '6y 175., 3400. miles, extras. or offer. 828-9040 KAWASAKI Coyote Mini Bikes Sell-A-Thon now on i COYOTES FOR CHRISTMAS $5 holds any bike Young America's mast wanted gilt c.

im, oan Lean. Ub-'fn I Fremont BL, Fremont SY 24)111 First Si. Livermore 443-5111 X4, 360. wide ratio, Mlkunt, 5650. 5354151 Enduro MINI-BIKE 5 ho Aopie, lack shaft cond.

SI 50. 65-1163. BIKE. Taos 44. pood ponL 80 223-229 EL EL EL CHEVY Van Camper '64, tents, 45, 000 miles.

5950. offer. 66-5234 CORVA'R Van, '63, custom camper good cond. 5795; 43-5718 DATSUN PICKUP '69, 4 speed, radio, heater, original exceptional condition, (XPH774) Won't last at 5168. "We sell only clean cars." Toyota 21515 Mission Blvd.

ot Grove Wav, Hayward 5823227. Open evenings till 9, open Sunday. DATSUN IN HAYWARD Invites you for test drive today! 1971 MODELS "Models Immediately Available" No Waiting for Delivery 4 auto. 2 dr 4 dr. sedans, sta.

pickups 1200 Series ORDERS NOW ACCEPTED ON THE 240 I Hayward Dafsun537-7988 21854 Mission Blvd Heyward OPEN EVE5. SUNDAYS DODGE, 67 3 axle truck and 2 axle trailer. 51500 take over payments. 21 months left. 846-7717 DODGE '66 Vi ton pu, 8 ft.

bed, overloads, excellent condition, own-er, 51350. 538-3343. 537-1545 DODGE VAN '67 Automatic, V-, A sacrifice at 51195. (012710) HOPPER HAMMOND USED CARS Shattuck at Oregon 45-7404 DODGE 1969, A-108 Van, radio. 52195.

43-3554 after 5. DODGE 1970 Ni ton camper special, "craw cab" ft bed, 6 passenger Ptekuo V. auto, power steering. appf cl COLLINSGMC 2165021572 Mission, Hayward 537-3151 DODGE 1967 pickup, with Sot Liner Camper. 6 cyl stick, sharp.

1299 (015478). Dealer 261-2271. Open week nrtes hl m. DODGE Van '6 Exc. mech cond Body good 638-7088 ECONOLINE 63, wood paneling, curtains, dbl.

bed, closet cabinet Good running cond. 5650. 549-2540 after 5 p.m ECONQLINE VAN 1969 Heavy-dutv eouioment, V-8. auto matte. (472806 1 Priced to sell.

$2295 AL LIGONS FORD 96th Ave. E. loth Oak M2-5314 562-7200 EL Camfno '65. New 327 super hi pert, 4 spd, post, sir susp mags, tach gauges, cus InL 150. 235-5733 EL CAMINO '64, new engine, new paint 1 much more.

72-2999 EL CAMINO AutOu pwr. sir. St brakes. Best otter. Eves 43-3350.

Camino '60, 1965 23, standard trans, new paint, motor tires very good cond, 550. 657-3307 Camino '67. 396 automatic, excel, cond. 1500. 235-2433 CAMINO '64, 327-300 ho.

tic. air, auto. pwr. windows, pwr. steer, pwr.

brakes, radio, pood cond. 795, 433-S447. FORO 1969 Supervan E200, tinted windshield, V8 auto, very clean 2000 mu5 FORD 69, 44 ton pkk-up, bed auto. $1700. 533-1904.

eves. FORD '54 ton ptekuo 12 volts, new tires V8, dean $350. 632-1735 FORD 59, 2 ton flat bed dump. New Sides $1200. 2S4-9062 FORD CAMPER SPECIAL 69 ton automatic, pwr.

brakes, lots ot extras, low miles, will take trade, 276-1711, 522-4737 FORD 'SO ptekuo Chew V- eno auto trans, very good cond. 500. days 73-140, eves 782-1252 FORD, 'S3, VS tone, i cyL automatic, new paint, 300. 352-5179. FORD Van '62, rblt.

eng. new tires, 735-1972, after 5 o.m. 600 or ofr. Lender's Sole in Fremont EXCITING FINANCING FOR NEW 3-4 BEDROOM HOMES SAVE OVER $6,000 COSTS ON INTEREST, ETC. Interest os low os 6.9 AS LITTLE AS WKat a chanc to take advantage of this rare financing opportunity.

Big, beautiful homes in prime location'for (choolsr-shoppingr-recreationr-Beaulifully-equippedr Hyrry, while you can still save on financing. From just $26,950 FREMONT PARK Modrnb opmm 1 1 ojb. to dude 40305 LmT Iruwal. Taka Momiy ct to Frmmont 8tvA Right to Mratron Vtmw, Uft to Latiia. Rtafif block ta xwoab.

YOU dace Tribune Shop-ping Cantor ad you give thousands people a chance to tat for cash need use. you ne longer i YOUR SERVICES are brought be-YOU CAN MAKE big savings bv tore thousands of readers daily checking Tribune Shooolng Center when you run a Tribune hooping eds doily for Items you need. Center ed..

Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California (2024)


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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.